We are used to thinking that sweets and healthy eating have nothing in common.
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Elena Shimanovskaya weight loss diet proper nutrition a snack Diets 6 February 2025Nutritionist and gastroenterologist Nuria Dianova named the non-obvious benefits of potatoes.
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Timur Khomichev heart heart health improve heart health products Beauty and health 4 February 2025Nutritionist Irina Yuzup named the healthiest breakfasts
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Elena Shimanovskaya weight loss excess weight extra pounds proper nutrition Diets 31 January 2025Nutritionist Elena Solomatina spoke about the benefits and norms of garlic consumption.
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Timur Khomichev hair hair loss baldness products Beauty and health 20 January 2025Although sausages cannot be called a full-fledged replacement for meat products, we often use them for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
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