Children pick up snippets of phrases like radios, even when they seem completely immersed in their own activities.
Kurchev Anton parents and children Parents' mistakes conversations child psychology Children 17 March 2025Parents are often convinced that children's disobedience is a whim or an attempt at manipulation.
Elena Shimanovskaya naughty children behavior child behavior reasons Children 11 March 2025The main mistake is to think that everything in the world needs to be explained to a child. In fact, the brain develops not from ready-made answers, but from searching for solutions.
Kurchev Anton smart people parents and children questions Advice to parents Children 11 March 2025Children run through life with their eyes wide open and their emotions running high - that's just the way the world works in the early years.
Elena Shimanovskaya prohibitions emotions raising children council mom dad Children 9 March 2025The reason is not his “bad character”, but… your reaction.
Kurchev Anton child behavior lie reasons Advice to parents Children 6 March 2025It turns out that the reason is not gadgets or laziness. The whole point is that you (yes, you!) have turned reading into... punishment.
Kurchev Anton books children and reading Parents' mistakes Advice to parents Children 3 March 2025Acute abdominal pain in a child can be fatal, warned pediatric surgeon Andrei Petrov.
Timur Khomichev child health children's health doctor's advice Children 2 March 2025Children's tears drive parents crazy. You want to stop them at any cost - by persuasion, gifts, threats.
Kurchev Anton child behavior the child is crying word Advice to parents Children 2 March 2025"Good night, sunshine!" you say, turning off the light.
Valeria Kisternaya children children's behavior Advice to parents Children 1 March 2025You should not exclude foods containing lactose and gluten from your child’s diet without medical indications.
Timur Khomichev nutrition baby nutrition children's diet Parents' mistakes Children 28 February 2025Every third schoolchild by the fifth grade experiences spinal curvature.
Elena Shimanovskaya health child health back human body Children 28 February 2025Imagine: you are late for kindergarten, and your child suddenly sits down on the floor in the middle of the street and screams like a siren.
Valeria Kisternaya screams board the child is crying Children 28 February 2025A mini-drama unfolds on the playground: three-year-old Vanya is clutching a brightly colored truck tightly in his hands, and a neighbor boy is pulling him towards himself, shouting: “Give it to me!”
Elena Shimanovskaya council mom dad upbringing raising children secrets of education Children 26 February 2025Every parent dreams of their child becoming outstanding. But what if your efforts are backfiring?
Kurchev Anton raising children Parents' mistakes raising a smart child Advice to parents Children 26 February 2025You shout, threaten, deprive the child of cartoons - and it's as if the child doesn't hear. Sound familiar?
Kurchev Anton naughty children Parents' mistakes Advice to parents Parents' phrases Children 26 February 2025Every parent has at least once encountered a situation when a child is hysterical, and all known methods of calming him down turn into useless noise.
Kurchev Anton child behavior hysterics tricks Advice to parents Children 25 February 2025A child's scream in a supermarket or on a playground makes the parents of a capricious toddler blush and get angry.
Elena Shimanovskaya parents and children the child is crying hysterics children's tantrums Children 24 February 2025Has your child suddenly started fighting, screaming, breaking toys?
Elena Shimanovskaya aggression child behavior raising children Advice to parents Children 23 February 2025“Let him do whatever he wants, as long as he doesn’t yell!” – this phrase can be heard in every store, park or cafe.
Valeria Kisternaya children upbringing board Children 22 February 2025Endocrinologist Dilyara Lebedeva told us which foods should not be given to children.
Timur Khomichev products harmful products children's health child health Children 21 February 2025