User Agreement of the website «BELNOVOSTI.BY»

11.03.2024 18:30
Updated: 02.10.2024 22:11

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is a public offer and is addressed by Media News LLC (hereinafter referred to as Media News LLC) to any person who meets the requirements of this Agreement and the Accession Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the User).

This Agreement governs the relationship regarding the use of the Site.

The Agreement may be accepted by the User only by joining it as a whole.

Before using the Site, the User must carefully read this Agreement and unconditionally accept all its terms.


1. Terms and definitions

The following terms are used in this Agreement and have the meanings defined below. If the Agreement uses terms and concepts not defined in this section, they have the meanings that are usually given to them in the relevant industry/sphere.

1.1. For the purposes of this User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), the following terms have the following meanings:

1.1.1. The Site is an Internet resource located on the Internet at the domain . Depending on the context, the Site also includes the Site software, the design (graphic design) of the Site, the Database, any section (subsection) of the Site, as well as the Information posted on the Site by the Site Administration or other persons.

1.1.2. Site Administration — Media Novosti LLC (UNP 191617892), which administers the Site and provides access to the Site to Users.

1.1.3. For the purposes of this Agreement, the User is understood to be a person who accesses the Site and/or uses and/or has used it.

1.1.4. The Customer is a legal entity that carries out commercial activities on the Site on the basis of a relevant agreement providing for the provision of paid services on the Site. All rules of this Agreement established for other Users apply to the Customer.

1.1.5. The User's personal information — any information that the User provides about himself/herself in the process of using the Site, including the User's personal data, as well as information that is automatically transmitted in the process of using the Site using the software installed on the User's device, including the IP address, cookie information , and information about the User's browser, geolocation data of the User's devices, data on the User's actions on the Site, as well as other data about the User (more details about the Cookie Policy: ).

The processing of the User’s personal data is carried out in accordance with the Personal Data Processing Policy published at: .

1.1.6. Information — any information posted by the Site Administration on the Site, including: any text messages, photographs (images), audio and/or video works, Site design, etc.

1.1.7. Database — a collection of Information posted on the Site. All Information posted on the Site, as well as the selection, grouping and arrangement of Information, are intellectual property, the rights to which are protected in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

1.2. Any terms and concepts used in this Agreement and not reflected in the section "Terms and Definitions" will be interpreted in accordance with the meaning arising from the text of this Agreement. If the meaning of a term or concept cannot be determined from the text of this Agreement, then the meaning of the relevant term or concept is determined based on the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus or on the practice established on the Internet.

2. Subject and general provisions of this Agreement

2.1. This Agreement sets forth the rules and conditions for the use of the Site.

2.2. The services provided by the Site Administration on the Site and the procedure for their provision are regulated by the Public Agreement ( ).

2.3. Access to the Site, use of the Site and/or performance of any other actions on the Site by the User means that the User accepts and undertakes to comply with all the terms of this Agreement without reservations or exceptions. If the User does not agree with the terms of the Agreement, he/she must immediately stop using the Site.

3. User's personal information

3.1. The Site Administration processes only the volume of the User’s personal data that is necessary for the operation of the Site, as well as for the provision of Services, in accordance with the Personal Data Processing Policy published at: .

3.2. Personal information received by the Site Administration when the User uses the Site is processed under the terms of the Privacy Policy located at: taking into account the provisions of this Agreement.

3.3. The Site Administration may process:

  • The User’s personal information, indicated by him on the Site or received from the User in connection with his use of the Site;
  • open source data.

3.4. The User's personal information is processed for the purposes of providing the functionality of the Site, providing feedback on issues related to the use of the Site, ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Agreement, as well as the legitimate interests of the Site Administration and other persons, as well as for other purposes specified in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy . In particular, the User is notified and agrees that the Site Administration and the Site Administration's partners process his personal information.

3.5. The User agrees and confirms that the Site Administration and other persons engaged by it to store such information have the right to store the history of interactions between Users through the relevant functions of the Site in order to monitor compliance with this Agreement or other agreements concluded with the User, improve the quality of the functionality of the Site, and also within the framework of compliance with the requirements of current legislation and the Privacy Policy . Access by the Site Administration and persons engaged by it to such history is possible for the specified purposes, as well as at the request of the participants in the interaction and in cases established by law.

4. Use of the Site

4.1. The use of the Site by the User is permitted only in accordance with this Agreement and exclusively in the ways provided by the technical capabilities and interface of the Site.

4.2. When using the Site, the User undertakes to:

4.2.1. not to disrupt the normal operation of the Site;

4.2.2. not to distribute and/or not to use any computer programs, robots (“spiders”) or other automatic algorithms and methods aimed at illegal: “pumping” (collection), transfer, copying, blocking, modification, destruction of Information and the Database, as well as aimed at circumventing the restrictions established by the Site Administration in the Site settings;

4.2.3. not to assist in the commission and/or not to commit other illegal, unlawful actions using the Site that contradict the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and/or this Agreement.

4.3. Users undertake to use the Information only for personal, non-commercial purposes, except in cases where permission for other use is given by the Site Administration and/or the relevant copyright holders.

4.4. Quoting of Information is permitted in accordance with the Rules of Use .

5. Functioning of the Site and responsibility for its use

5.1. The Site Administration does not guarantee that the Information posted on the Site will be available at any time, or will not be deleted or lost. The Site Administration is not responsible for failures and delays in the operation of the Site, as well as for the possible consequences of such failures and delays.

5.2. The Site Administration shall not be liable for the presence of viruses on the Site, or for the possible consequences of the infection of the User's computer with viruses or the entry of other malicious programs onto the User's computer. The Site Administration provides the Site to the User "as is" without any additional guarantees.

5.3. The Site Administration is not responsible, does not compensate and does not bear liability for any damages, including lost profits, moral and other harm caused to the User or third parties as a result of their use of the Site or in connection with the functioning of the Site, including for damages associated with the adoption of any decisions and actions based on the Information posted on the Site.

5.4. A link to any website, product, service, or any information posted on the Site does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of these products (services, information) by the Site Administration.

5.5. Requests related to the use/inability to use the Site may be sent by the User via Help or to the address: .

6. Other provisions

6.1. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. Issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. All possible disputes arising from the relations governed by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

6.2. The User and the Site Administration will attempt to resolve all disputes and disagreements between them through negotiations. In the event that it is impossible to resolve disputes and disagreements through negotiations, they shall be subject to consideration in the appropriate court at the location of the Site Administration.

6.3. The rules on consumer protection do not apply to the relations arising between the User and the Site Administration within the framework of this Agreement due to their gratuitous nature.

6.4. Nothing in the Agreement may be understood as establishing between the User and the Site Administration agency relations, partnership relations, joint activity relations, personal employment relations, or any other relations not expressly provided for by the Agreement.

6.5. If for any reason one or more provisions of this Agreement are found to be invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement.

6.6. This Agreement may be amended by the Site Administration unilaterally. The new version of the Agreement shall enter into force from the moment it is posted on the Internet at the address specified in this paragraph, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement. The current version of the Agreement is always located on the page at the address: .

If the Site Administration makes any changes to the Agreement that the User does not agree with, he/she is obliged to stop using the Site. You can leave your feedback about our company on Google.

7. Website administration details

OOO "Media News"
UNP 191617892

Legal address: 220123, Minsk, Vera Khoruzhey street 32a-2, office 4

Current account:
BY37 ALFA 3012 2182 1301 3027 0000 (BYN)
BY23 ALFA 3012 2182 1300 1027 0000 (USD)
at CJSC "ALFA-BANK", 220013 Minsk, st. Surganova, 43-47, ALFABY2X, UNP 101541947, OKPO 37526626


Phones: 8 017 270 16 21, +375 29 707 14 75, +375 29 630 33 04

Director: Svirschevsky Sergey Frantsevich

Mass media: Certificate of state registration of mass media (mass media) No. 2 dated December 21, 2018

Frequency: daily, 24 hours a day, free of charge

Opening hours: 24 hours a day.

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal

  1. 1. Terms and definitions
  2. 2. Subject and general provisions of this Agreement
  3. 3. User's personal information
  4. 4. Use of the Site
  5. 5. Functioning of the Site and responsibility for its use
  6. 6. Other provisions
  7. 7. Website administration details