Every parent has at least once encountered a situation when a child is hysterical, and all known methods of calming him down turn into useless noise.
Shouting, persuasion, threats - nothing works.
But what if there was a way that would stop the tears and screams faster than you could count to ten?

This method does not require special skills, expensive courses or long persuasion. Its secret is in understanding one simple biological reaction that 99% of parents unconsciously trigger, making the situation worse.
During a tantrum, the child's brain is overloaded with emotions, and logic switches off. Attempts to explain, scold, or ask questions only increase the tension.
Instead, you need to redirect your focus. It sounds trite, but the key is physical contact and calm.
Take your child by the hands, sit down at his level so that your eyes are at the same height, and calmly say: “I see that this is very difficult for you. Let’s breathe together.”
Don't wait for an answer - start breathing deeply and slowly, looking into his eyes.
Why it works: Breathing synchronizes your rhythm with his nervous system, and eye contact switches the brain from panic to interaction.
Your calmness literally "infects" the child. In 5-7 seconds, he will begin to repeat after you. At this point, gently add: "Now let's figure out what happened."
The hysteria will stop because its “fuel” – the emotional storm – will run out.
This method does not require verbal manipulation or threats. It is based on neuroscience, not on educational templates.
Many people make the mistake of trying to distract their child with toys or cartoons. This way, you teach them to avoid emotions, rather than experience them.
The secret is to allow the nervous system to "reboot" through communication with you. Try it - and the next scandal in the store or before bed will turn into a quiet dialogue.