Educational psychologist Nikita Borisov explained what parents absolutely must not do in the presence of their children.
Timur Khomichev parents parents and children children and parents behavior Children 20 January 2025There are free, repressive and authoritative parenting styles, but don't be too quick to judge which is best.
Igor Zur raising children child psychology child development children and parents Children 20 January 2025It may also be the case that the blame for the current situation lies with the baby’s mother and father.
Kurchev Anton parents and children raising children Parents' mistakes psychology Children 20 January 2025Whether or not to give a baby a pacifier is a decision that should be made exclusively by his parents, and not by grandparents or self-proclaimed “experts” on the Internet.
Elena Shimanovskaya child council mom dad children and parents raising children Children 20 January 2025Do you want your daughter to become a successful and happy woman in the future? Then communicate with your child correctly!
Kurchev Anton girl daughter Parents' mistakes Parents' phrases Children 17 January 2025Parents are one of the most important people in every person's life. Many of the actions and behavioral features of mom and dad are very well remembered by the child.
Kurchev Anton parents and children behavior Parents' mistakes child psychology Children 16 January 2025Punishments are an important part of raising a child. But there are things that should not be punished.
Kurchev Anton parents and children Punishment of children Parents' mistakes the rules Children 16 January 2025Not all of the “educational” phrases popular with parents are effective and useful for the child.
Kurchev Anton parents and children Parents' mistakes Parents' phrases upbringing Children 14 January 2025Praise is a powerful tool in parenting, but it's important to use it wisely.
Elena Shimanovskaya child praise how to praise a child council mom dad Children 9 January 2025A man raising a daughter must be able to do many things.
Kurchev Anton father and daughter man girl communication with a child Children 9 January 2025Antipyretics are required if the temperature is above 39 degrees and if there is a risk of rising to 40 or higher.
Igor Zur medical advice temperature medicinal preparations children's health Children 7 January 2025Parents were told how to raise children so that they always have a reason to be happy and proud of them.
Igor Zur raising children talent child development children and family Children 6 January 2025If you start telling your child that he is talented, then, oddly enough, you will only harm him.
Kurchev Anton child talent parents and children Parents' mistakes Children 1 January 2025The main mistakes parents make that cause their children to grow up financially illiterate have been named.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes raising children financial literacy of a child problems in life Children 31 December 2024Wise parents do not solve difficult problems for their children, but motivate them to cope with difficulties on their own.
Igor Zur raising children teaching a child communication with children talent Children 31 December 2024Parents were told how to help their child choose a profession.
Igor Zur choice of profession teenager education teaching a child Children 30 December 2024This salad can appear on a children's menu from the age of 10 or 12, when the digestive system is ready for the known ingredients.
Igor Zur children's health medical advice New Year's dishes diet Children 30 December 2024The child begins to feel guilty. And the child is effectively deprived of the opportunity to manage his own things.
Kurchev Anton child greed parents and children Parents' mistakes Children 29 December 2024The doctor explained how much candy children can eat - no more than 3 pieces per day, provided that certain conditions are met.
Igor Zur doctor's advice children's health harm of sugar candies Children 27 December 2024A pediatrician told parents how to organize a New Year's celebration with children aged one to six years.
Igor Zur New Year children and family medical advice children's health Children 27 December 2024