Some people, even after many years, were unable to treat their exes as strangers.
Igor Zur former relationship research by scientists man and woman emotions Love and Family 15 March 2025The main thing is to make it clear that creativity is welcome, but within certain limits.
Igor Zur Advice to parents drawing child psychology child development Children 15 March 2025For people, a mirror is a portal to a parallel world. But what happens when a cat appears in front of it?
Kurchev Anton cat cat behavior mirror facts about cats Pets 12 March 2025Pausing before you answer shows that you are thinking about what you said and not just waiting for your turn to speak.
Igor Zur communication with people words and phrases psychology of communication speech People and Events 11 March 2025Scientists believe that this approach reduces stress, keeps the brain active and strengthens the immune system.
Igor Zur longevity research by scientists daily habits care for human health Beauty and health 10 March 2025The brain loves stability, even if it is toxic.
Igor Zur brain work psychological habits the secret to success motivation and life People and Events 6 March 2025The paper tag on a tea bag seems like a useless detail - but only to those who don't know its secrets.
Kurchev Anton brewing tea making tea tea bag tea bag tag Useful tips 5 March 2025You pet your cat, and it purrs like a little motor. It seems like the sound of happiness. But in fact, purring is not only about pleasure.
Kurchev Anton cat cat behavior facts about cats sounds Pets 1 March 2025Imagine trying to read a book where each letter is a separate picture and the rules of grammar change depending on which way the wind blows.
Kurchev Anton languages Chinese rating Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 1 March 2025Forget the myth that tail wagging always means friendliness.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners about dogs how to understand your pet tail Pets 28 February 2025Instead of asking for something directly, you can casually mention how similar tasks helped someone else get a promotion.
Igor Zur personal development communication with people manipulation techniques psychology of communication People and Events 28 February 2025Perhaps tomorrow is already preparing a new record that will make us wonder again and say: “This can’t be!”
Igor Zur world records achievements art natural phenomena Records and anti-records 27 February 2025Dogs can't talk, but their actions speak volumes - you just have to want to hear them
Igor Zur pets and animals dog behavior about dogs Tips for dog owners Pets 27 February 2025If you learn to read these signals, you can not only understand what your pet wants, but also learn how he perceives you.
Igor Zur how to understand your pet cat behavior Tips for cat owners signs about cats Pets 27 February 2025When you want someone to do something, tell a story about someone who has already done it.
Igor Zur manipulation techniques communication with people words and phrases psychology of communication People and Events 27 February 2025Classical music or even the quiet hum of speakers at low volume can stimulate plant growth.
Igor Zur plant care summer cottage tricks increasing crop yields beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025These colors are associated with fast food - they stimulate appetite and make you eat faster.
Igor Zur healthy eating tips for losing weight a vessel Dietitian's advice Diets 27 February 2025It's not magic, but a complex combination of instincts and hypersensitivity.
Kurchev Anton dog dog behavior facts about dogs People Pets 26 February 2025To win over anyone, remember their name and use it in conversation.
Igor Zur personal development psychology of communication psychological attitudes secrets of success People and Events 26 February 2025Did you know that there is a record for the longest time spent riding a bike backwards?
Igor Zur interesting records achievements events world record Records and anti-records 26 February 2025