interesting facts


The widespread belief that it is impossible for a pet to form an attachment to its owner is nothing more than a myth.

Kurchev Anton pets cat behavior cat affection cat owner Pets 9 October 2024

The handle will come in very handy for a motorist who finds it difficult to sit in the driver's seat or get out of the car without grabbing onto something.

Kurchev Anton automobile car interior handle drivers Auto 4 October 2024

Simple psychological tricks that help you achieve amazing results when communicating with people.

Igor Zur psychological trick communication with people useful tips and life hacks tricks People and Events 3 October 2024

We are used to the fact that lemon is a fruit that is quite light and fits into the palm of your hand without any problems. However, there are quite large specimens.

Kurchev Anton lemon the heaviest lemon Israel Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 2 October 2024