Dog owners are urged to be vigilant in the spring, as many plants pose a threat to the health of animals.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog health harmful plants symptoms Pets 14 March 2025Want to know if your dog thinks you're the leader or if he's putting up with you because of his food? You can get the answer you need in five minutes.
Kurchev Anton dog an experiment facts about dogs Tips for dog owners Pets 4 March 2025Many people write this off as a whim, but the reason is often deeper than it seems.
Kurchev Anton dog dog walking problems facts about dogs Pets 3 March 2025Dogs can't talk, but their actions speak volumes - you just have to want to hear them
Igor Zur pets and animals about dogs Tips for dog owners interesting facts Pets 27 February 2025It's not magic, but a complex combination of instincts and hypersensitivity.
Kurchev Anton dog facts about dogs People interesting facts Pets 26 February 2025Is your dog snoring sweetly on the rug, but suddenly his paws start moving wildly, as if he's racing across a field, and plaintive moans are escaping from his chest? These are dangerous signs.
Kurchev Anton dog sleep problems facts about dogs Tips for dog owners Pets 21 February 2025Even small breeds like Chihuahuas need at least 30-40 minutes of activity per day.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog walking how to understand your pet about dogs Pets 20 February 2025Why do dogs bark and what to do to calm your pet.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog barking mistakes how to understand your pet Pets 6 February 2025If a person starts growling at a dog, the dog may react unpredictably.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners board canine dog aggression dog training Pets 4 February 2025Even temporary separation from the owner is a huge stress for many dogs.
Kurchev Anton dog dog in the apartment loneliness Tips for dog owners Pets 23 January 2025Dogs respond positively to this facial expression on a person: the animals feel calm and safe.
Kurchev Anton dog facts about dogs smile interesting facts Pets 17 January 2025Many dog owners ask themselves: “Am I a good owner?” It is worth noting right away that many people clearly underestimate themselves.
Kurchev Anton dog dog owner activity Tips for dog owners Pets 9 January 2025Dog owners were told about two simple ways to help calm their pets during the holidays.
Igor Zur New Year Tips for dog owners reduce stress pets and animals Pets 1 January 2025Don't be too quick to accuse your dog of being "impudent", "spoiled" or "badly behaving".
Kurchev Anton dog dog food problems facts about dogs Pets 27 December 2024Make a movement with your hand so that the dog thinks that you are giving or offering something to it.
Kurchev Anton dog guests in the house the rules Tips for dog owners Pets 26 December 2024Three dog breeds that are particularly stubborn.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners pets and animals strong character dog training Pets 23 December 2024It is possible that your pet is afraid of experiencing pain.
Kurchev Anton dog aggression in dogs reasons Tips for dog owners Pets 23 December 2024Cynologists have named two unusual, but very effective methods for calming a dog.
Igor Zur New Year Tips for dog owners music how to get rid of stress Pets 22 December 2024Apparently, the pet is experiencing discomfort for some reason.
Kurchev Anton dog furniture carpet Tips for dog owners Pets 18 December 2024A walk that is too short can cause a dog to exhibit a variety of behaviors, including seeking an outlet for energy.
Igor Zur facts about dogs how to understand your pet Tips for dog owners dog leash Pets 17 December 2024