Having breakfast together, taking walks before bed, or even having five-minute tea without gadgets creates space for informal communication.
Igor Zur communication with relatives psychological habits silence save the relationship People and Events 10 March 2025These settings are like the blueprints from which the house of your personality is built.
Igor Zur psychological attitudes self assessment motivation and life useful tips and life hacks People and Events 7 March 2025You dreamed of an obedient dog, but got a little tyrant who dictates the rules in the house? Perhaps you did not even notice how innocent pranks turned into a habit of commanding.
Kurchev Anton puppy dog dog behavior Tips for dog owners Pets 6 March 2025Over-hydration of facial skin can lead to acne.
Timur Khomichev skin beautiful skin facial skin skin care Beauty and health 1 March 2025You can prevent the appearance of onion shoots even at the sowing stage.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners onion harvest beds in the garden seed material Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 March 2025What the soil should be like in spring and when to run for expensive fertilizers.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners restoration of soil fertility dacha in spring fertilization Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2025Don't rush to fully uncover the bushes in the garden - leave a layer of mulch to protect the roots from night frosts.
Igor Zur tips for flower growers tips for gardeners plant care dacha and garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2025Orchids are not capricious princesses, as many people think - they just live by their own rules.
Igor Zur tips for flower growers orchid bloom flower care plant diseases Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025You don't even realize that some of your habits are slowly killing your houseplants.
Igor Zur flower care indoor plants tips for flower growers bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025Nature does not tolerate fuss, but loves order - even if it is your summer cottage.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents plant care landing increasing crop yields crop rotation Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025The main deception is the expiration dates - the dates on the seed packets are often falsified, especially if the product has been lying around for a while.
Igor Zur sowing seed material growing seedlings advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025Replanting every 1-2 years is essential - the soil becomes depleted, turning into a useless lump.
Igor Zur flower care replanting indoor plants tips for flower growers bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025If your pet sleeps on your pillow while you're at work, he's marking his territory, reminding you who's boss.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners cat behavior how to understand your pet smells Pets 26 February 2025Here are some tips to help you clean your windows the first time.
Igor Zur window washing tips for housewives cleaning the apartment and cleanliness household tricks Useful tips 26 February 2025Here are a few examples of when it is better to put folk fertilizers aside if you do not know how to act correctly.
Igor Zur folk recipes natural fertilizers tips for gardeners increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025Have you ever noticed how some rooms look like a museum of bad taste, even if they have expensive furniture?
Kurchev Anton interior design colors in the interior problems cheap interior Design and interior 25 February 2025How to understand that a plant is ready for transplantation and what to do if a flower is “stuck” in a pot - advice for housewives.
Igor Zur replanting house flowers tips for flower growers life hacks for housewives plant care Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2025Store-bought plants are filled with stimulants, and without your help they will die within a month.
Igor Zur Rose care indoor plants fertilization tips for flower growers Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2025Even a modest amount can become a safety cushion that will save you in case of a refrigerator breakdown or an unexpected trip.
Igor Zur money and finance board financial difficulties daily habits aims People and Events 25 February 2025Your garden lacks attention to "biorhythms" - plants, like people, have their own activity cycles.
Igor Zur tips for flower growers tips for gardeners plant care summer cottage tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2025