The job of a puppy owner who is training him is to help him understand what is expected of him and what he should not do.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals punishment Pets 21 November 2024Many people dream of having a dog, but along with the joy, it is also a huge responsibility, because it is the owner who is responsible for the health and well-being of his pet.
Valeria Kisternaya animals dogs dog walking Pets 10 October 2024When lifting a puppy, many people do not support their four-legged friend on both sides, which causes the animal great pain.
Kurchev Anton pets mistakes Tips for dog owners Pets 27 September 2024Hiccups in puppies generally do not indicate serious health problems. However, the owner should make sure that other important symptoms are absent.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals Pets 16 September 2024If it so happens that you have become “parents” to two completely opposite pets at once – an adult cat and a small puppy – it is worth taking into account the advice from this article – they will help prevent fights and reduce stress for all family members.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals Pets 8 June 2024People who, until recently, were not familiar with dogs and the peculiarities of their maintenance, may ask a variety of questions.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets pets dogs puppies Pets 19 May 2024If you're new to handling a puppy, you might be interested (and interested) in learning when these little ones' ears stand up.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets pets Pets 14 May 2024New puppy owners sometimes complain that their pet eats poorly or refuses to eat food at all.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets pets Pets 10 May 2024Experienced dog handlers receive a lot of questions from people who have just become puppy owners, and the lion's share of them are related to games.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals games Pets 8 May 2024When choosing a puppy, there are many factors to consider to ensure that you and your four-legged friend have a happy and long life together.
Valeria Kisternaya animals Pets 7 May 2024Because the genes of mongrels are so tangled, it is difficult to determine what an adult dog will look like even by the appearance of the parents.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets pets and animals Pets 15 April 2024If you are planning to get a puppy, you should take care in advance to ensure that by the time it arrives in the house there is everything necessary.
Elena Shimanovskaya dog pet pets and animals dogs puppies Pets 10 April 2024The friendship between children and pets is always a result of a lot of work by adults. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare a child for the appearance of an animal in the house.
Olga Kotova dog training children and dogs pets the rules Pets 14 March 2024Getting a puppy is one of the most joyful and responsible events for any pet owner.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets pets and animals Pets 16 January 2024The behavior of puppies often causes concern among owners, but this does not always mean the presence of a disease.
Dmitry Liskovich dog hiccup Pets 25 December 2023Pets can be more vulnerable to infections and various diseases when they are small and their immune systems are not as strong.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals allergy dogs puppies Pets 4 December 2023Puppies have special nutritional needs because they are in a growth stage during which teeth, bones and muscles are formed.
Dmitry Liskovich dog fodder choice of food feeding dogs Pets 1 December 2023If you decide to get a puppy, remember: you need to look after it just like you would a restless toddler.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets animals safety Pets 4 October 2023The puppies look very cute and, due to their inexperience, they do funny and strange things.
Dmitry Liskovich dog behavior Pets 23 August 2023A puppy that has not yet learned to behave properly may damage some things. In addition, certain objects may harm the pet itself.
Kurchev Anton dogs pets things safety Pets 4 August 2023