Barking is a completely natural behavior for a dog, and if you don’t break your puppy of this habit as a puppy, be prepared for him to grow into an adult dog that will also bark endlessly.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals puppy dogs puppies Pets 23 January 2025Most likely, the animal acts this way because of boredom and accumulated energy.
Kurchev Anton pets dog behavior reasons Pets 10 October 2024When a dog barks when there is no one in the room, at the door, or in any other place where there is no apparent reason for concern, the question arises: is he hallucinating or communicating with beings from other worlds?
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets pets dog barking Pets 30 August 2024Is your four-legged friend constantly barking? Know that there are many possible explanations for this dog behavior.
Kurchev Anton pets dog behavior reasons Tips for dog owners Pets 30 July 2024When loud barking is heard from almost every dog nearby, then the problem, apparently, is in the person himself.
Kurchev Anton dog behavior reasons appearance gait Pets 13 July 2024A dog barking at night is a serious problem.
Kurchev Anton pet dog behavior reasons facts about dogs Pets 27 June 2024A dog that barks at night causes inconvenience to the pet's owner, the family members of that person, and also his neighbors.
Kurchev Anton dog behavior night activity Tips for dog owners Pets 30 March 2024Not everyone knows why dogs bark.
Marina Michalap dog behavior facts about dogs dogs Pets 27 February 2024