Dog owners are urged to be vigilant in the spring, as many plants pose a threat to the health of animals.
Igor Zur dog behavior dog health harmful plants symptoms Pets 14 March 2025You dreamed of an obedient dog, but got a little tyrant who dictates the rules in the house? Perhaps you did not even notice how innocent pranks turned into a habit of commanding.
Kurchev Anton puppy dog dog behavior mistakes Pets 6 March 2025Want to know if your dog thinks you're the leader or if he's putting up with you because of his food? You can get the answer you need in five minutes.
Kurchev Anton dog dog behavior an experiment facts about dogs Pets 4 March 2025A dog is not a cat. For it, a walk is not just a toilet and a warm-up. It is a necessity comparable to breathing.
Kurchev Anton dog dog walking problems facts about dogs Pets 1 March 2025Three important steps to remember if you find a lost animal.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners pets and animals veterinarian animal care Pets 1 March 2025Forget the myth that tail wagging always means friendliness.
Igor Zur about dogs interesting facts how to understand your pet tail Pets 28 February 2025Dogs can't talk, but their actions speak volumes - you just have to want to hear them
Igor Zur pets and animals dog behavior about dogs interesting facts Pets 27 February 2025The truth is that viruses fly in the air, cling to shoes and clothes, and owners themselves bring them into the house.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners dog health vaccination disease prevention Pets 25 February 2025What every dog owner should remember when walking their pet.
Igor Zur dog walking pliers harmful substances dog health Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2025Is your dog snoring sweetly on the rug, but suddenly his paws start moving wildly, as if he's racing across a field, and plaintive moans are escaping from his chest? These are dangerous signs.
Kurchev Anton dog sleep problems dog behavior facts about dogs Pets 21 February 2025Even small breeds like Chihuahuas need at least 30-40 minutes of activity per day.
Igor Zur dog walking dog behavior how to understand your pet about dogs Pets 20 February 2025Cats and dogs are not herbivores, their stomachs are not designed to digest tons of wheat or corn.
Igor Zur pet food pets and animals Tips for cat owners veterinarian Pets 20 February 2025The most common mistakes made by dog owners are listed - from walking to organizing feeding.
Igor Zur dog walking pet food mistakes dog health Pets 18 February 2025How to properly and how often you can wash a cat or dog without causing harm.
Igor Zur animal care Tips for cat owners cat fur using shampoo Pets 18 February 2025Buy a guillotine nail clipper and learn to find the "fast zone" - the pink line at the base.
Igor Zur haircut dog health animal care about dogs Pets 18 February 2025A German Shepherd is not for everyone, and it's not just a matter of experience.
Igor Zur dog breeds dog training animal care about dogs Pets 15 February 2025Flavor enhancers, such as sodium glutamate, are added to budget foods.
Igor Zur pet food Tips for cat owners pets and animals animal care Pets 14 February 2025If the fur in the place where the dog licked turns red, it is saliva with blood.
Igor Zur pets and animals dog health dog hair veterinarian Pets 14 February 2025Hot air from a hair dryer destroys the protective layer of the dog's skin and causes eczema.
Igor Zur dog health dog hair mistakes veterinarian Pets 13 February 2025Cynologists reminded that grass in parks is often treated with chemicals that cause allergies in pets.
Igor Zur dog walking mistakes dog health allergy Pets 13 February 2025