Have you ever wondered why you sometimes feel a strange heaviness in your stomach after reheating yesterday's lunch?
Elena Shimanovskaya microwave microwave oven warming up heating up food can you reheat food in a microwave Useful tipsNutritionist Evgeny Arzamastsev named foods and drinks that worsen sleep.
Timur Khomichev healthy sleep insomnia products drinks quality of sleep Beauty and healthIn the 1970s, Soviet agronomists obtained garlic weighing up to 150 g using a secret method that was kept silent for 50 years.
Elena Shimanovskaya garlic salt advice for summer residents harvest vegetables Garden and Vegetable GardenWhy is a dish that was considered "food of the pharaohs" in ancient Egypt now associated with cheap cafeterias?
Elena Shimanovskaya lentils soup dish a restaurant about cooking CookingEndocrinologist Kristina Prishvina spoke about the benefits and harms of semolina.
Timur Khomichev semolina semolina benefit harm porridge DietsDid you know that the orange peel you throw away contains more vitamin C than the pulp? And that potato peelings are a natural pain reliever for joints?
Elena Shimanovskaya health benefits banana peel orange peel potato peel onion peel Beauty and healthSome experts call it “poison”, others – “the elixir of youth”.
Elena Shimanovskaya oil coconut benefits of coconut oil health health benefits Beauty and healthA pensioner from a Siberian village has revealed a secret that has changed the way we think about growing tomatoes.
Elena Shimanovskaya tomatoes harvest garden tomatoes how to feed tomatoes Garden and Vegetable GardenIf you have a non-stick frying pan that has scratches on it, you'll have to throw it away.
Elena Shimanovskaya a vessel frying pan non-stick frying pan scratches plastic Useful tipsGastroenterologist Valeria Lomova told us how to restore the liver after alcohol.
Timur Khomichev liver alcohol alcoholic drinks restore health doctor's advice Beauty and healthWhat if one fruit could replace breakfast, a fat burner, and a cholesterol cure?
Elena Shimanovskaya fruits weight loss grapefruit get rid of fat fight against fat DietsThe ideal woman does not necessarily have to have a chiseled figure or the face of a supermodel.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship woman confidence self-confidence man and woman Love and FamilyFlorist Natalia Kolganova told us how to choose the perfect bouquet for February 14.
Timur Khomichev flowers bouquet bouquet of flowers Valentine's Day beautiful flowers Useful tipsIt turns out that overnight fasting slows down metabolism by 30%, but there is a way out...
Valeria Kisternaya health diet weight loss cottage cheese DietsWhat if someone told you that ice water is the secret to a super cucumber harvest? It sounds crazy, but this is the method that large agricultural companies have been hiding for decades.
Elena Shimanovskaya cucumbers growing cucumbers watering cucumbers watering advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable GardenHave you ever noticed that after an evening spent cracking walnuts, your fingers hurt and you end up with piles of shells on the table? You may have even found sharp shards in your baked goods or salad.
Elena Shimanovskaya walnuts walnuts walnut shell culinary tricks life hacks CookingAnyone, even the most well-groomed four-legged friend, can face such a problem as dandruff.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs dandruff pets and animals dog health treatment PetsNutritionist and food technologist Nelly Lvovich spoke about the rules for choosing and storing lard.
Timur Khomichev fat salted lard tasty lard selection of products products Useful tips"Cucumber and tomato salad is gastronomic sabotage"
Valeria Kisternaya vegetable salad health cucumbers tomatoes DietsKazuhisa Uekusa, an artist from Japan, is known to residents of the Land of the Rising Sun for his performances on television shows.
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