Imagine you've ordered the perfect gift, but it's ruined by a stubborn price sticker.
Elena Shimanovskaya life hacks benefits of vegetable oil how to remove stickers how to wash off glue Useful tips 28 February 2025Not everyone knows that modest bottles on the kitchen shelf can work wonders.
Elena Shimanovskaya vegetable oil food products healthy products health benefits Beauty and health 25 February 2025Have you ever wondered what happens to oil after you fry potatoes or cutlets in it?
Valeria Kisternaya hot harm or benefit Useful tips 19 February 2025Some experts call it “poison”, others – “the elixir of youth”.
Elena Shimanovskaya coconut benefits of coconut oil health health benefits Beauty and health 13 February 2025Probably, every prudent housewife has a bottle of sunflower oil in her kitchen cupboard.
Elena Shimanovskaya sunflower oil vegetable oil food products food storage Cooking 12 February 2025Butter is an important component of the diet of every healthy person.
Elena Shimanovskaya butter recipe cream mixer Cooking 6 February 2025We explain why you shouldn’t be afraid to buy butter with a fat content of 72.5% or less.
Timur Khomichev butter fat content of oil products selection of products Cooking 6 February 2025We'll tell you what to add to the water when boiling potatoes so that they cook faster and turn out delicious.
Timur Khomichev potatoes boiled potatoes boiling potatoes butter Cooking 5 February 2025Castor oil boasts numerous beneficial properties.
Elena Shimanovskaya skin cosmetics skin care beauty Beauty and health 3 February 2025What can be done to curb the oil? Replace salt with vinegar.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news cutlets hot life hacks Cooking 29 January 2025The amount of fish a person can safely eat depends on their individual needs.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news products fish hot Diets 27 January 2025Every housewife has her own preferences when it comes to storing sunflower oil.
Elena Shimanovskaya vegetable oil sunflower oil storage food products Cooking 14 January 2025Flaxseed oil is made from flax seeds by grinding and pressing them. The result is a golden-yellow product with a mild, nutty flavor.
Elena Shimanovskaya nutrition vegetable oil diets and nutrition healthy products Diets 4 January 2025Yes, potato mass has such an unpleasant property: to absorb a lot of fat. How to avoid such a phenomenon or at least make it less intense?
Kurchev Anton potato pancakes secrets of potato pancakes supplements culinary tricks Cooking 28 December 2024The oil needs to be replaced... with plain water.
Kurchev Anton fried potatoes how to fry potatoes water culinary tricks Cooking 19 December 2024We tell you which butter is best to buy.
Timur Khomichev butter fat content of oil products selection of products Useful tips 17 December 2024Any footwear requires care, preferably using specialized products.
Elena Shimanovskaya shoes leather shoes life hacks shoe care Useful tips 16 December 2024Vegetables need to be cut correctly. In addition, vegetable oil needs to be replaced with another product.
Kurchev Anton borsch delicious borscht borscht frying delicious frying Cooking 11 December 2024If you notice vegetable fats in the composition of butter, it is better to refuse to buy such a product.
Elena Shimanovskaya butter food products Beauty and health 22 November 2024Butter should not be left at room temperature for long periods of time, experts warn.
Timur Khomichev butter storage food storage storage rules Useful tips 10 November 2024