Nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina told us which products slow down aging.
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Timur Khomichev migraine headache healthy products proper nutrition Beauty and health 20 January 2025Some popular food combinations can cause serious harm to your health.
Timur Khomichev harmful food combinations product incompatibility proper nutrition healthy eating Diets 20 January 2025Trichologist Anfisa Lepekhova told us which products help with hair loss.
Timur Khomichev hair hair loss baldness healthy products Beauty and health 20 January 2025Eating certain foods in the evening can cause sleep problems, experts warn.
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Timur Khomichev sweet sweets giving up sugar healthy products Diets 18 January 2025The protective properties of milk and yogurt are not only due to the presence of calcium in them.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news benefit oncology scientists Diets 18 January 2025The chef told how to make classic syrniki - there is one nuance that you might not know about.
Igor Zur cooking recipe for syrniki tips for housewives culinary secrets Cooking 17 January 2025The liver is one of the most important organs in our body.
Valeria Kisternaya health food liver board Beauty and health 16 January 2025Doctors point out that the product contains a considerable amount of histamine.
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Pavel Gospodarik Top news chicken meat defrosting meat Cooking 9 January 2025It turns out that they contain large amounts of fat, sugar, and even toxic substances.
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Pavel Gospodarik Top news processing scientists health Diets 9 January 2025Store-bought milk loses no more than 20% of its beneficial substances when pasteurized before being sold.
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