General practitioner Nadezhda Chernyshova explained how often you can eat chips.
Timur Khomichev harmful products junk food fast food the harm of fast food Diets 4 February 2025Excessive consumption of dangerous food and drinks can cause the aging process to accelerate. Consequences such as deterioration of the skin, swelling, and circulatory problems are not excluded.
Kurchev Anton the harm of fast food alcoholic drinks soda skin Beauty and health 9 December 2024Chips can be truly addictive – not only for children, but also for adults.
Elena Shimanovskaya nutrition proper nutrition eating behavior Diets 14 September 2024Not everyone knows which chips are the most expensive in the world.
Marina Michalap records food products Records and anti-records 31 August 2024Not everyone knows which flavors of chips are the most unusual in the world.
Marina Michalap records culinary records Records and anti-records 2 August 2024There is a relatively healthy alternative to chips. We are talking about potato sticks, which are quite easy to prepare.
Kurchev Anton Potato dishes delicious recipes breakfast Cooking 30 July 2024If a person is a vegetarian, it does not mean that he can eat only mown grass and sunlight for the rest of his life.
Elena Shimanovskaya meat diet vegetarianism Diets 26 July 2024Those who love to snack on something crispy will surely love the idea of making homemade cheese chips.
Elena Shimanovskaya cheese Homemade chips recipe Cooking 26 May 2024Chips are a favorite snack for many children and adults, which, however, does not make them less harmful: due to the fact that chips contain a lot of fat, salt, flavorings, colorings and other additives, you should not get too carried away with them.
Elena Shimanovskaya health harm to health food products Beauty and health 15 April 2024Homemade chips are rich in vitamins and useful elements. In addition, the cooking process is quite simple.
Olga Kotova fruits Homemade chips a snack cooking Cooking 11 January 2024Apple chips are a great option for a healthy and tasty snack.
Olga Kotova apples Homemade chips breakfast cooking Cooking 3 January 2024Tartlets with all sorts of fillings are a traditional dish on the holiday table.
Elena Shimanovskaya breakfast recipe New Year's table New Year's dishes Cooking 17 December 2023Many of us know that it is better not to eat potato chips, as they are addictive.
Dmitry Liskovich food cooking Beauty and health 17 November 2023Not all peelings belong in the trash can.
Elena Shimanovskaya potato potatoes recipe cooking cooking Cooking 22 October 2023It is a common situation when a person buys a lot of lavash sheets “in reserve”, but does not manage to eat them in time.
Sergey Tumanov pita cooking oil oven Cooking 29 June 2023Chips are an extremely popular snack, but sometimes their tastes seem strange to many connoisseurs.
Marina Michalap records snacks the facts Records and anti-records 30 May 2023Few people know that you can make delicious potato chips in just seven minutes.
Marina Michalap cooking recipe potato cooking Cooking 22 May 2023Chips are hardly a healthy snack, especially when it comes to store-bought snacks.
Kurchev Anton potato cooking breakfast recipe Cooking 16 May 2023Few people know, but even at home you can make very tasty, crispy, and most importantly, not so harmful chips.
Elena Shimanovskaya potatoes potato recipe cooking cooking Cooking 13 April 2023If you come back from the store and already at home you realize that you forgot to grab a pack of crispy chips, in the company of which you were going to while away the evening in front of the TV, you should not run back to the supermarket.
Elena Shimanovskaya breakfast recipe cooking cooking Cooking 29 March 2023