The aroma of toasted bread is the perfect start to the morning, but after just a few minutes the delicious toast turns into soft slices.
Elena Shimanovskaya breakfast dishes culinary tricks cooking Cooking 27 February 2025If you want to learn how to make homemade noodles, be prepared to master some real culinary skills.
Elena Shimanovskaya noodles recipe cooking home cooking Cooking 23 January 2025Shchi belongs to the category of dishes that can boast a long history.
Elena Shimanovskaya culinary tricks cooking dish first course Cooking 16 January 2025If you don’t want to spend money on store-bought shawarma, try making it yourself.
Elena Shimanovskaya shawarma recipe cooking culinary tricks Cooking 14 January 2025Trout is ideally cooked on the grill, in the oven or in a frying pan.
Valeria Kisternaya trout fish board cooking Cooking 14 January 2025With the arrival of winter, many of us begin to yearn for the tastes and aromas of summer.
Elena Shimanovskaya soup sorrel recipe cooking Cooking 10 January 2025Properly prepared rassolnik can bring unforgettable pleasure even to the most sophisticated gourmet.
Elena Shimanovskaya soup first course culinary tricks cooking Cooking 6 January 2025Stop treating ordinary household chores as if they were difficult.
Elena Shimanovskaya cooking culinary tricks culinary life hacks life hacks Cooking 9 December 2024Onions fried in a frying pan are used in almost all first courses, salads and appetizers, and recently even in cutlets.
Elena Shimanovskaya fried onions culinary tricks cooking Cooking 26 September 2024Cutlets appear on our tables with enviable regularity.
Elena Shimanovskaya cutlets starch culinary tricks cooking Cooking 22 July 2024More and more people are recently giving preference to home-cooked food rather than food from cafes and fast food.
Elena Shimanovskaya mistakes culinary mistakes cooking cooking Cooking 19 July 2024There is enough stress and fuss in our daily lives – so why worry about minor everyday issues?
Elena Shimanovskaya cooking cooking culinary life hacks culinary tricks Cooking 7 July 2024It is unlikely that a modern person would brew tea in a samovar or cook porridge in a cast iron pot, because these items are considered attributes of antiquity.
Elena Shimanovskaya cooking and recipes cooking kitchen Cooking 6 July 2024It is becoming more and more difficult to come up with something truly useful for the kitchen every day – everything has already been done for us.
Elena Shimanovskaya cooking kitchen utensils culinary tricks Cooking 30 June 2024It is unlikely that any housewife could manage without her “first helpers”, namely kitchen utensils.
Elena Shimanovskaya cooking board cutting board kitchen utensils Cooking 28 June 2024The Mimosa salad is one of those dishes that were popular back in Soviet times.
Elena Shimanovskaya salad mimosa salad dish cooking Cooking 13 June 2024It is difficult to imagine any first course without including such an ingredient as fried vegetables.
Elena Shimanovskaya frying frying recipe frying onions and carrots cooking Cooking 1 June 2024A mantovarka or mantyshnitsa – this is the name given to a special pot designed for cooking a dish with the equally unusual name of “manty”.
Elena Shimanovskaya frying pan cooking Cooking 1 June 2024Bread is used by experienced housewives not only as an ingredient for preparing a variety of dishes, but also as a means of correcting mistakes made during the cooking process.
Elena Shimanovskaya bread culinary tricks life hacks cooking Cooking 24 May 2024The dish is prepared not for 100 years (as one might think from the conventional name), but “only” for a few months.
Kurchev Anton China egg dishes interesting facts China News Records and anti-records 17 May 2024