With the help of this sweet and sour fruit you can save oversalted soup.
Kurchev Anton trick soup oversalted soup save oversalted soup apples Cooking 21 January 2025Fish cutlets are a very tasty dish. But it has a serious drawback: usually the dish lacks juiciness and tenderness.
Kurchev Anton cutlets fish cutlets dishes with cheese juicy cutlets Cooking 20 January 2025Garlic will help improve the taste of the side dish.
Kurchev Anton puree improve mashed potatoes benefits of garlic supplements Cooking 20 January 2025Want to cook crumbly and truly delicious rice? Then do one simple trick while cooking the cereal.
Kurchev Anton cooking rice cooking rice butter delicious rice Cooking 20 January 2025Caesar salad can be found on the menus of both world-famous restaurants and seedy cafeterias.
Elena Shimanovskaya salad dish delicious salad cooking Cooking 20 January 2025Those who pour boiling water over ground beans, believing that this will make the coffee brew faster, are mistaken.
Igor Zur delicious coffee mistakes water temperature hot drinks Useful tips 17 January 2025Housewives rarely add mayonnaise to cutlet mince. And in vain. After all, the popular white sauce seriously improves the meat base.
Kurchev Anton cutlets minced meat for cutlets mayonnaise delicious cutlets Cooking 17 January 2025Boiled potatoes in their skins can be used both as a stand-alone side dish and as an ingredient for a wide variety of dishes.
Elena Shimanovskaya potatoes jacket potatoes potato boiled potatoes Cooking 16 January 2025Shchi belongs to the category of dishes that can boast a long history.
Elena Shimanovskaya cooking cooking dish first course Cooking 16 January 2025Just one addition is enough to transform a standard pasta and meat mixture into something incredibly appetizing.
Kurchev Anton pasta delicious pasta juicy minced meat broth Cooking 16 January 2025Many people fondly remember the treats their grandmothers used to treat them to as children.
Elena Shimanovskaya porridge rice porridge recipe cooking rice Cooking 15 January 2025It turns out that this dish can be cooked in... a microwave oven.
Kurchev Anton French fries microwave oven cooking potatoes methods Cooking 15 January 2025If you don’t want to spend money on store-bought shawarma, try making it yourself.
Elena Shimanovskaya shawarma recipe cooking cooking Cooking 14 January 2025Thanks to this miracle additive, the taste of all the ingredients of the cabbage soup is revealed much better than when using sour cream.
Kurchev Anton cooking soup cream cream tips for gourmets Cooking 14 January 2025Onions can safely be considered one of the most versatile and popular ingredients in cooking.
Elena Shimanovskaya garlic vegetables use of onions microwave Cooking 13 January 2025The sweet additive guarantees the appearance of a beautiful golden crust on the fish. In addition, a very interesting taste arises - bright and rich.
Kurchev Anton fish frying fish sugar taste Cooking 10 January 2025Liver is not only tasty, but also a nutritious by-product, which contains a lot of vitamins and minerals.
Elena Shimanovskaya liver chicken liver beef liver tasty liver Cooking 9 January 2025You need to add vegetable oil to the water.
Kurchev Anton dumplings cooking dumplings vegetable oil tips for gourmets Cooking 9 January 2025After preparing your favorite dishes, there are often leftover tomato paste in the kitchen that you don’t want to throw away.
Elena Shimanovskaya tomato paste freezing food storage life hacks Cooking 8 January 2025A positive effect is achieved, the possibility of which most amateur cooks do not even suspect.
Kurchev Anton beet boiling beets benefits of bread culinary secrets Cooking 8 January 2025