The easiest way to prolong the freshness of bananas has been named - you need to know where and how to store them.
Igor Zur storage in the apartment useful tips and life hacks kitchen vegetables and fruits Useful tips 18 January 2025First of all, you shouldn’t store bananas with other fruits – they should be kept as far away as possible from apples, pears and some others.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news fruits storage mistakes Useful tips 14 January 2025Bananas are certainly a tasty and healthy product, rich in vitamins and microelements.
Sergey Tumanov fruits food products eating bananas harm of bananas Beauty and health 5 January 2025Do you like bananas? Chances are you will answer yes to this question, as this fruit is one of the favorites for many people.
Elena Shimanovskaya fruits storage life hacks eating bananas Useful tips 19 December 2024Pay attention to the appearance. They should look healthy, fresh, and clean.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news food products shop purchase Useful tips 14 December 2024Experts strongly recommend eating a banana after every cup of coffee.
Timur Khomichev coffee drinking coffee benefits of bananas eating bananas Diets 13 December 2024However, consuming large amounts of magnesium in the morning can cause a disruption in the calcium-magnesium balance.
Kurchev Anton harm of bananas what you can't eat for breakfast diet the rules Diets 3 December 2024The "extra" part of the fruit is the tail.
Kurchev Anton the rules tricks tips for gourmets Useful tips 21 November 2024Thanks to the banana diet, you can achieve visible results in a short period of time.
Elena Shimanovskaya diet bananas and weight loss weight loss Diets 20 November 2024At first glance, the choice of bananas – green or yellow – is based solely on taste preferences.
Elena Shimanovskaya fruits benefit food products benefits of bananas Beauty and health 18 November 2024We often buy green bananas in the store: sometimes because there is no other choice, and sometimes consciously, because such fruits will definitely last a long time, gradually ripening at home.
Elena Shimanovskaya fruits oven banana culinary tricks Cooking 14 November 2024Eggs and kefir should be replaced with bananas.
Kurchev Anton delicious pancakes chicken eggs delicious recipes cooking ideas Cooking 4 November 2024While your family is waking up in the morning and getting ready, you can prepare an incredible treat from bananas - like pies, only tastier and easier!
Sergey Tumanov delicacy breakfast delicious recipes interesting recipes Cooking 29 October 2024This method is easy to use, effective and absolutely harmless for people who want to permanently eliminate these insects.
Sergey Tumanov ants how to get rid of ants banana peel household tricks Useful tips 20 October 2024The combination of bananas with milk or yogurt is a common one, especially in smoothies and desserts.
Sergey Tumanov food products harmful food combinations Diets 19 October 2024Many gourmets see nothing wrong with eating brown or even blackened bananas. And in vain.
Kurchev Anton harm of bananas organism board Diets 1 October 2024When parents begin introducing their babies to foods other than breast milk or formula, offering them a banana seems like a good idea to many.
Elena Shimanovskaya child side dish Children 30 September 2024Bananas are bright yellow with skin covered with small dark spots and are the ripest fruits you can find in the store.
Igor Zur food storage useful tips and life hacks home tricks vegetables and fruits Useful tips 14 September 2024We tell you three unusual life hacks with banana peels.
Timur Khomichev banana peel banana peel in everyday life using banana peel Useful tips 12 September 2024Not everyone knows about the beneficial properties of bananas.
Marina Michalap benefits of bananas proper nutrition health secrets Beauty and health 11 September 2024