It turns out that such activities reduce people's cognitive abilities.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news video problems scientists People and Events 20 January 2025Russian nutritionist Daria Rusakova explained which foods accelerate brain aging and increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
Timur Khomichev sugar harm of sugar brain health sweets Beauty and health 9 December 2024It is no secret that with age, brain function deteriorates: memory and speed of thinking are not the same as in youth.
Elena Shimanovskaya brain work brain health health age People and Events 17 November 2024We are talking about food that contains compounds that help improve the functioning of the main organ of the central nervous system.
Kurchev Anton diet walnuts spinach Beauty and health 12 November 2024Many people are sure that chocolate is a harmful product. This opinion, oddly enough, is wrong.
Kurchev Anton dark chocolate benefits of chocolate immunity Beauty and health 27 September 2024Are you nervous before an exam, an important meeting or a public speech? Don't rush to take sedatives!
Kurchev Anton how to calm down tricks tricks chewing gum People and Events 25 September 2024A sleep doctor explained what prophetic dreams really are.
Igor Zur research by scientists dreams interesting facts doctors People and Events 27 June 2024As we know, there are products that can improve our cognitive functions.
Elena Shimanovskaya health brain health food products food Beauty and health 23 April 2024The level of intelligence and intelligence of a person depend on several factors. Not only reading books is important, but also diet.
Kurchev Anton intelligence walnuts dark chocolate Beauty and health 23 April 2024If desired, you can add a little lemon juice to plain water.
Kurchev Anton water a glass of water in the morning benefit useful habits Beauty and health 17 April 2024It turns out that foods that cause brain aging are present in the diets of many people around the world.
Elena Shimanovskaya food products benefit harm brain health Diets 2 April 2024Scientists have come closer to solving the mystery of the origin of involuntary laughter.
Igor Zur laughter research by scientists science doctors People and Events 1 April 2024Dieting isn't just about losing weight. Some diets have health benefits, like the MIND diet.
Elena Shimanovskaya diet brain health dementia Diets 29 March 2024Scientists can't explain exactly why some people talk in their sleep, but no one talks about it as a disorder.
Igor Zur research by scientists interesting facts science People and Events 19 March 2024Neuroscientists have discovered that the female brain processes speech better than the male brain.
Igor Zur female psychology deception research by scientists opening People and Events 18 March 2024A sleeping person does not hear his own snoring, but may wake up if someone speaks loudly.
Igor Zur healthy sleep snore causes of snoring danger People and Events 12 March 2024From a scientific point of view, it is not worth waking up sleepwalkers, but they need to be monitored.
Igor Zur Moon health condition healthy sleep awakening People and Events 11 March 2024Brain functions include processing sensory information from the senses, planning, decision making, coordination, motor control, emotion, attention, and memory.
Elena Shimanovskaya animals interesting facts Pets 4 January 2024We tell you what you need to include in your menu to improve brain function.
Timur Khomichev products brain work Beauty and health 3 January 20244 products that need to be included in your daily diet to improve brain function have been named.
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