In most cases, a person is able to help himself - 5 rules for developing self-confidence.
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Valeria Kisternaya spiritual guidance support freedom People and Events 20 January 2025It may also be the case that the blame for the current situation lies with the baby’s mother and father.
Kurchev Anton parents and children raising children Parents' mistakes Advice to parents Children 20 January 2025The main recommendation: you need to learn to appreciate what you have.
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Valeria Kisternaya work burnout at work board Useful tips 14 January 2025The mysterious male soul often becomes the cause of worries and doubts for the fair half of humanity.
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Valeria Kisternaya stress board nerve People and Events 12 January 2025A situation when a man suddenly breaks off a relationship often comes as a shock to a woman.
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Kurchev Anton long term relationship relationship problems feelings behavior Love and Family 2 January 2025The ability to communicate correctly with your partner increases the chances of maintaining the relationship.
Kurchev Anton relationship problems dangerous phrases pair communication Love and Family 31 December 2024If you want all your wishes to come true in the New Year, you should make every effort to avoid making some serious mistakes.
Elena Shimanovskaya how to improve life dreams aims New Year People and Events 30 December 2024During a quarrel, a person experiences serious emotional stress. In such a state, it is very difficult to control yourself. It is easy to break into a scream.
Kurchev Anton argument dangerous phrases negative emotions human behavior People and Events 29 December 2024A man who truly loves his wife will be kind and polite to his other half.
Kurchev Anton husband husband and wife male behavior men's phrases Love and Family 26 December 2024In the process of experiencing loss and grief, it is important for a person to go through 5 stages: shock, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
Valeria Kisternaya above loss board People and Events 25 December 2024Communication will become easier and freer.
Kurchev Anton communication psychological trick tricks lack of self-confidence People and Events 25 December 2024Scientists have proven that the passage of time is not related to age.
Igor Zur research by scientists age-related changes time scientific facts People and Events 24 December 2024Raising a teenager is not an easy task for parents. Sometimes it becomes difficult for moms and dads to even just communicate with their teenagers.
Kurchev Anton teenager communication with a child Parents' mistakes Advice to parents Children 24 December 2024