Imagine: you are talking, and your partner is looking at his phone. You are joking, and he is silent. You reach out to hug him, and he turns away.
Elena Shimanovskaya cold cooling relationship love and relationships Love and Family 27 February 2025He smiles at you, jokes and nods. But something tells me that behind the mask of goodwill there is hostility.
Kurchev Anton human behavior negative emotions communication psychology People and Events 26 February 2025Toxic people are like weeds - they grow unnoticed and are almost impossible to eradicate.
Igor Zur healthy relationships toxic people communication with people useful tips and life hacks People and Events 26 February 2025He looks into the eyes, but something is wrong... The body will never deceive, even if the words sound convincing.
Kurchev Anton lie human behavior relationship problems Advice for lovers Love and Family 25 February 2025He remains silent when other children are already reciting poems?
Valeria Kisternaya child ignoring child development Children 21 February 2025You kiss less often than before, but you attribute it to fatigue.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology Love relationship Love and Family 19 February 2025You catch yourself thinking that conversations have begun to resemble negotiations between two business partners: “Did you buy bread?” – “Yes.” “Will you pick up the child?” – “Okay.”
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship pair man and woman family relationships Love and Family 18 February 2025You gave him the last piece of cheesecake and he didn't even say thank you? That's no small thing.
Elena Shimanovskaya Love relationship man and woman feelings Love and Family 14 February 2025This is how you live with a person, and one day you suddenly catch yourself thinking...
Valeria Kisternaya Love family husband Love and Family 28 January 2025Every relationship is different, as is the speed at which it develops. And that's okay, but sometimes it's better to slow down a little.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship man and woman Love feelings Love and Family 26 January 2025It is hard to imagine a more successful addition to an interior than indoor plants.
Elena Shimanovskaya lighting sunlight indoor plants indoor flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 January 2025There are traits that are passed on to a child only from the father or only from the mother.
Timur Khomichev genetics features father mother Children 19 January 2025Many men are quite secretive people. When they fall in love, they carefully hide their feelings.
Kurchev Anton man male behavior man in love male psychology Love and Family 17 January 2025The mysterious male soul often becomes the cause of worries and doubts for the fair half of humanity.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology relationship Love serious relationship Love and Family 14 January 2025The idea that every person has a soulmate is often controversial.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship family and relationships partner ideal man Love and Family 13 January 2025Anyone can suddenly fall in love: even someone who has had a significant other for a long time.
Kurchev Anton men man in love male behavior a man's betrayal Love and Family 10 January 2025A very small child is unlikely to say: "Mom, I love you." However, a parent can find out whether the baby loves her even without hearing the words.
Kurchev Anton parents and children baby Love child behavior Children 8 January 2025Do you think it is impossible to "catch" a secretive and quiet man in love? You are wrong!
Kurchev Anton men man in love male behavior men's phrases Love and Family 1 January 2025Attention is shown in everything, but most of all in the ability to hear what your chosen one wants to convey to your ears.
Igor Zur healthy relationships man and woman family happiness psychology of relationships Love and Family 31 December 2024