When trust is broken, the world around you loses its colors. It seems like the ground is slipping away from under your feet, and your heart is torn between pain and hope.
Elena Shimanovskaya change betrayal in marriage family man and woman Love and Family 28 February 2025She criticizes your pie, raises children and hints that her son could do better. Sound familiar?
Valeria Kisternaya family mother-in-law board Love and Family 28 February 2025Imagine: you are talking, and your partner is looking at his phone. You are joking, and he is silent. You reach out to hug him, and he turns away.
Elena Shimanovskaya cold cooling signs love and relationships Love and Family 27 February 2025If thoughts about a shared future increasingly flash through your head, but doubts remain, it is worth paying attention to the details.
Elena Shimanovskaya wedding marriage family husband Love and Family 25 February 2025Cheating splits a relationship into “before” and “after”.
Elena Shimanovskaya change a man's betrayal change of husband betrayal in marriage Love and Family 24 February 2025Marriage is called working on mistakes, but some “typos” are repeated by spouses year after year.
Elena Shimanovskaya family family and relationships men and women conflicts in the family Love and Family 24 February 2025While some people are sure that the most important thing is love, others see even a small age gap as a threat to the well-being of a relationship.
Elena Shimanovskaya age age difference man and woman Love Love and Family 23 February 2025She reminds you of your father - the same sarcastic smile.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology love Love brain reasons Love and Family 22 February 2025You kiss less often than before, but you attribute it to fatigue.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology Love signs Love and Family 19 February 2025Have you ever noticed how happy couples seem to be charged with the same energy?
Elena Shimanovskaya a ritual tradition family happiness family life Love and Family 19 February 2025You catch yourself thinking that conversations have begun to resemble negotiations between two business partners: “Did you buy bread?” – “Yes.” “Will you pick up the child?” – “Okay.”
Elena Shimanovskaya pair man and woman signs family relationships Love and Family 18 February 2025You're sure he's angry about work, but the real reason might be you.
Elena Shimanovskaya man and woman irritation habits partner Love and Family 18 February 2025He kisses you on the cheek, forehead, or neck, but avoids the lips - does that seem cute?
Elena Shimanovskaya pair man and woman Love kiss Love and Family 17 February 2025"Ignore him for three days and he will be yours," advise pickup gurus.
Elena Shimanovskaya manipulation manipulation techniques man and woman how to make a man fall in love with you Love and Family 17 February 2025Have you ever noticed how your partner suddenly becomes silent when you talk about a dream you want to achieve together?
Valeria Kisternaya Love psychology board gestures Love and Family 17 February 2025Do you envy your neighbors who post photos of their perfect breakfast and smiling children on social media every morning? But what if this is a facade that hides tears, quarrels and unwashed dishes?
Sergey Tumanov psychology love and relationships family and relationships Love and Family 15 February 2025You gave him the last piece of cheesecake and he didn't even say thank you? That's no small thing.
Elena Shimanovskaya Love man and woman signs feelings Love and Family 14 February 2025The ideal woman does not necessarily have to have a chiseled figure or the face of a supermodel.
Elena Shimanovskaya woman confidence self-confidence man and woman Love and Family 13 February 2025You may not think about it, but sleep is an extremely important part of any relationship.
Elena Shimanovskaya bed bedroom man and woman strong relationship Love and Family 11 February 2025Breakups are difficult stages that can happen in the life of every couple.
Elena Shimanovskaya parting man and woman break breakup of relations Love and Family 9 February 2025