Imagine: two people whose hearts beat in unison, whose dreams were intertwined into one, suddenly become strangers.
Elena Shimanovskaya divorce reasons for divorce divorce of spouses spouses Love and Family 28 February 2025Every year, millions of couples file for divorce, even if they once swore eternal love.
Elena Shimanovskaya divorce reasons for divorce divorce of spouses reasons for separation Love and Family 27 February 2025The first year of a relationship is a roller coaster: you learn to read each other's minds, argue about the correct way to fold toilet paper, and cry tears of happiness when he gives you flowers for no reason.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology Love family board Love and Family 23 February 2025Have you ever said to your partner, "Do whatever you want" or "I'm not offended"?
Elena Shimanovskaya divorce man and woman communication dangerous phrases Love and Family 14 February 2025Psychologists call this method “emergency relationship reboot.”
Igor Zur family life how to keep love advice from psychologists happiness in life Love and Family 13 February 2025Breakups are difficult stages that can happen in the life of every couple.
Elena Shimanovskaya man and woman relationship break breakup of relations Love and Family 9 February 2025Divorce for a woman is not just a legal procedure, but one of the most difficult stages in life.
Elena Shimanovskaya divorce divorce of spouses marriage divorce Love and Family 3 February 2025Breaking up is traumatic in any case, and if you choose the wrong method, then your partner will be left with a scorched field where his heart used to be.
Elena Shimanovskaya break breakup of relations parting with a person relationship Love and Family 31 January 2025Betrayal is a difficult test for a relationship. It can destroy a marriage, or it can lead to a new, deeper intimacy.
Elena Shimanovskaya change betrayal relationship betrayal in marriage Love and Family 30 January 2025It is always unpleasant to quarrel and break up. Negative emotions only intensify if the quarrel occurs on the eve of the holidays.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship reasons for separation man and woman holiday Love and Family 15 January 2025The period of separation from the second half is difficult for any person. During this difficult time, many people reveal their true face.
Kurchev Anton men men in relationships male behavior character of men Love and Family 15 January 2025Sometimes it seems that women who men don't leave simply don't exist. In fact, such girls do exist.
Kurchev Anton woman women's behavior men facts about men Love and Family 14 January 2025The name "scrooge" comes from the Disney cartoon character Scrooge McDuck.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news People couples holiday Love and Family 28 December 2024Divorce has long-term consequences – personal, emotional, financial, etc.
Elena Shimanovskaya divorce divorce of spouses spouses relationship Love and Family 19 December 2024Sometimes the disappearance of a man leaves a woman at a loss, because she simply does not understand why he decided to take such a radical step.
Elena Shimanovskaya man and woman relationship care breakup with a man Love and Family 16 December 2024Actor Ivan Okhlobystin is a father of many children: together with his wife Oksana Arbuzova, he is raising six children.
Elena Shimanovskaya Ivan Okhlobystin an actor daughter wedding Show business 1 December 2024Love can be compared to a real marathon, during which you are constantly haunted by problems, difficulties and crises.
Elena Shimanovskaya Love relationship man and woman breakup with a man Love and Family 27 November 2024At first glance, there is nothing offensive in these remarks. Moreover, one of them is considered “supportive”.
Kurchev Anton relationship problems dangerous phrases emotions Advice for lovers Love and Family 23 November 2024The honeymoon phase sooner or later gives way to a calmer and more comfortable relationship for both.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship divorce signs of separation signs Love and Family 21 November 2024A girl who broke up with her boyfriend may well have a desire to renew the relationship.
Kurchev Anton former relationship ex-partner advice for women men Love and Family 20 November 2024