Have you ever said to your partner, "Do whatever you want" or "I'm not offended"?
Congratulations: your marriage is already at risk.
According to a study by Psychology Today magazine, 80% of divorces begin with seemingly innocent words.

Dr. John Gottman , bestselling author of The 7 Principles for a Happy Marriage, calls such phrases " emotional minefields ."
For example, the phrase “You’re like your mother” increases the likelihood of divorce by 40%, and “I don’t care” kills trust in a month.
Blogger Maria admitted that her marriage broke up because of the phrase “You know best.”
"I thought it was about respect, but he took it as indifference," she writes.
Psychotherapist Emily Smith explains in an interview with The Guardian : "' Killer words' work like poison - slowly but irreversibly ."
For example, “You’re overreacting” blocks your partner’s emotions, and “There you go again” turns the dialogue into a monologue.
How to test yourself? Women's Health recommends recording conversations on a dictaphone.
"You'd be surprised how often phrases are said that you don't even notice," writes editor Anna Koval . But there's good news: replacing just 2-3 expressions a day can save even a relationship in crisis.
For example, instead of “You never…” say “It’s important to me that…” Check: you may have already pronounced a death sentence on your marriage.