Some people, even after many years, were unable to treat their exes as strangers.
Igor Zur former relationship research by scientists interesting facts emotions Love and Family 15 March 2025One of the main mistakes is to think that your partner “should understand everything without words.”
Igor Zur family relationships love and relationships marriage and love mistakes in marriage Love and Family 4 March 2025When trust is broken, the world around you loses its colors. It seems like the ground is slipping away from under your feet, and your heart is torn between pain and hope.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship change betrayal in marriage family Love and Family 28 February 2025Texting and calling help you stay in touch, but such communication builds a wall between two people.
Igor Zur psychology of communication close relationship Advice for lovers Internet correspondence Love and Family 27 February 2025The problem is that many people confuse “working” on a relationship with trying to remake their partner.
Igor Zur how to keep love Advice for lovers support family happiness Love and Family 26 February 2025Why you shouldn't waste your nerves on someone who can't even dial a phone number.
Igor Zur unhealthy relationship advice for women male behavior psychology of relationships Love and Family 26 February 2025It's not loud arguments that ruin romance in a relationship, but small habits that accumulate over the years.
Igor Zur healthy relationships save the relationship Advice for lovers romance in relationships Love and Family 25 February 2025Men tend to perceive conversation as an exchange of information, while women perceive it as a way of communication.
Igor Zur close relationship how to keep love Advice for lovers family happiness Love and Family 25 February 2025While some people are sure that the most important thing is love, others see even a small age gap as a threat to the well-being of a relationship.
Elena Shimanovskaya age age difference relationship Love Love and Family 23 February 2025Phrases like these seem harmless, but behind them lies a habit that slowly kills even strong relationships.
Igor Zur healthy relationships words and phrases Advice for lovers save the relationship Love and Family 20 February 2025Do you cancel dates with your girlfriends if he's against it? Do you change your weekend plans to please him?
Elena Shimanovskaya addiction toxic relationship psychology of relationships slavery Love and Family 20 February 2025Many couples forget that even in routine you can find moments for sincerity.
Igor Zur healthy relationships Advice for lovers save the relationship psychology of relationships Love and Family 19 February 2025Loyalty is not an innate virtue, but a constant work on choice.
Igor Zur Advice for lovers healthy relationships how to keep love family happiness Love and Family 19 February 2025You catch yourself thinking that conversations have begun to resemble negotiations between two business partners: “Did you buy bread?” – “Yes.” “Will you pick up the child?” – “Okay.”
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship pair signs family relationships Love and Family 18 February 2025You're sure he's angry about work, but the real reason might be you.
Elena Shimanovskaya irritation habits relationship partner Love and Family 18 February 2025Harvard scientists have concluded that cooking together brings partners together better than intimate contact.
Igor Zur healthy relationships research by scientists close relationship cooking and food Love and Family 17 February 2025According to research, 67% of couples who use sarcasm or hidden reproaches in evening conversations divorce within a year.
Igor Zur save the relationship family happiness mistakes in relationships psychology of relationships Love and Family 17 February 2025He kisses you on the cheek, forehead, or neck, but avoids the lips - does that seem cute?
Elena Shimanovskaya pair Love kiss relationship Love and Family 17 February 2025"Ignore him for three days and he will be yours," advise pickup gurus.
Elena Shimanovskaya manipulation manipulation techniques relationship how to make a man fall in love with you Love and Family 17 February 2025Have you ever said to your partner, "Do whatever you want" or "I'm not offended"?
Elena Shimanovskaya divorce parting communication dangerous phrases Love and Family 14 February 2025