Foreign psychologists have come to the conclusion that three simple phrases said at the right time can improve your relationship with your partner.
Igor Zur healthy relationships Advice for lovers psychology of communication family happiness Love and Family 16 January 2025“But Vanya/Masha/Petya…”, “Other people’s children are just children, but you…”, “But when I was your age…” – parents say all these phrases when they want their child to be ideal and to be proud of.
Elena Shimanovskaya Parents' phrases upbringing raising children children and parents Children 3 January 2025Experts urge us to think about what we are going to say to ourselves, whether jokingly or seriously.
Igor Zur psychology of success psychological attitudes mistakes happiness in life People and Events 31 December 2024A few phrases that will help bring your personal interests closer to the interests of your interlocutor.
Igor Zur communication with people psychology of communication the secret to success negotiation People and Events 30 December 2024Four common phrases have been named that will not help to console a person, but will ruin the relationship.
Igor Zur communication with people mistakes in relationships psychology of communication board People and Events 20 December 2024Three phrases have been named that parents use in vain to calm their children.
Igor Zur raising children Parents' mistakes Advice to parents children's whims Children 17 December 2024Three popular proverbs that are most often misused - it's all about the follow-through.
Igor Zur dictionary history mistakes of education culture of communication People and Events 11 December 2024Scientists have proven that what Titus Levi said, “better late than never,” is still true today.
Igor Zur research by scientists interesting facts present history People and Events 10 December 2024Negging is expressed in compliments and behavior - the most striking examples.
Igor Zur unhealthy relationship man and woman psychology of relationships self assessment Love and Family 10 December 2024What is Socrates' rule and how to apply it to whiners.
Igor Zur communication with people psychological attitudes board People and Events 26 November 2024Surely many people have heard the following expression: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." However, few people know that this phrase has a second part.
Kurchev Anton Russian language phrases champagne defeats People and Events 23 November 2024Who and why it is not customary to wish good luck - even if you are far from superstitious.
Igor Zur luck religion signs and superstitions interesting facts People and Events 20 November 2024Every couple on the path to true love goes through several stages, and the most romantic of them is falling in love.
Igor Zur healthy relationships marriage and love family happiness psychology of relationships Love and Family 20 November 2024Here are some examples of toxic phrases and tips on how to respond to such attacks.
Igor Zur communication with people emotions toxic people board People and Events 18 November 2024If you respond to gratitude with the words “you’re welcome” your self-esteem may suffer.
Igor Zur communication with people self-esteem issues advice from psychologists mistakes People and Events 30 September 2024Here are a few techniques that will make your interlocutor regret bringing up an uncomfortable topic in conversation.
Igor Zur communication with people awkward questions psychological trick People and Events 25 September 2024Three parental phrases that will make any child happy - say them more often.
Igor Zur Advice to parents raising children Parents' phrases family relationships Children 23 September 2024Experts advise lovers to avoid careless statements - there are only 3 of them, but divorce is guaranteed.
Igor Zur healthy relationships how to keep love Advice for lovers psychology of communication Love and Family 18 September 2024The priest named two reasons that prohibit the use of the phrase "may the earth lie softly upon you."
Igor Zur religion funeral Orthodox Church mistakes People and Events 16 September 2024Experts recommend being mindful of what you say to your partner and under what circumstances, and also listening to what they say back to you.
Igor Zur unhealthy relationship family and relationships mistakes save the relationship Love and Family 11 September 2024