We tell you what to expect from the year of the Green Wooden Snake.
Timur Khomichev New Year Chinese horoscope luck forecast People and EventsFinancial expert Mikhail Zeltser explained what will happen to the dollar after December 18.
Timur Khomichev dollars dollar exchange rate dollar exchange rate forecast dollar exchange rate forecast until the end of the year dollar to russian ruble exchange rate forecast EconomyHow to sow osteospermum - two important conditions were named for flower growers.
Igor Zur growing flowers advice for summer residents seed material what flowers to plant seedling care Garden and Vegetable GardenThe tragic incident occurred the day before, on December 9, on Kazintsa Street.
Timur Khomichev Minsk Minsk News drowning woman bathroom MinskThe cook told how to knead dough with kefir for the most delicious donuts.
Igor Zur homemade baked goods how to make dough cooking ideas delicious recipes desserts CookingRussian nutritionist Elena Solomatina has named a product that prevents carbohydrates from turning into fat.
Timur Khomichev sauerkraut benefits of sauerkraut healthy products weight loss weight loss products DietsA representative of the Russian Cynological Federation told how to properly care for a dog's paws in winter.
Igor Zur dog health board canine walking dogs in winter snow Tips for dog owners PetsRussian nutritionist Elena Solomatina told us what long-livers eat.
Timur Khomichev long-livers longevity secrets of longevity longevity nutrition DietsToday's horoscope will tell you about your chances of success and give you advice on overcoming difficulties for your zodiac sign.
Elena Gutyro signs of the zodiac astrological forecast horoscope for today daily horoscope HoroscopesScientists have proven that sweet drinks are the most harmful to the health of the heart and blood vessels.
Igor Zur research by scientists harm of sugar harmful drinks heart health cardiovascular system DietsGastroenterologist Lyudmila Sukhorukova told us which products provoke premature aging of the body.
Timur Khomichev products aging harmful products sweet junk food Beauty and healthScientists have named 4 types of alcoholic drinks that guarantee a hangover with depression.
Igor Zur alcoholic drinks hangover symptoms apathy and depression Media | Mass Media Beauty and healthAgainst the backdrop of events in Syria, the media recalled the prediction of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga about the third world war.
Timur Khomichev Vanga Syria Syria News Vanga's predictions third world war HoroscopesScientists have proven that what Titus Levi said, “better late than never,” is still true today.
Igor Zur research by scientists interesting facts words and phrases present history People and EventsThe document is intended to improve the quality, efficiency and accessibility of education, strengthen the responsibility of subjects of educational relations and expand state protection of students, young professionals, socially vulnerable categories of children and youth.
Timur Khomichev Alexander Lukashenko Belarus Belarus News law education SocietyIvleeva unexpectedly admitted that she got married, but did not say who.
Igor Zur Anastasia Ivleeva marriage Telegram personal life Media | Mass Media Show businessRussian nutritionist Elena Solomatina has named a product that is strictly forbidden for the elderly to eat.
Timur Khomichev dumplings elderly people junk food harmful products proper nutrition Beauty and healthUndoubtedly, all indoor plants decorate the interior of the house, and some of them are even capable of improving the sleep of the owners of the house.
Elena Shimanovskaya indoor flowers indoor plants benefits of plants bedroom indoor plants in the interior Garden and Vegetable GardenForeign scientists have found that early exposure to exact disciplines has a positive effect on a child’s choice of profession.
Igor Zur Advice to parents research by scientists choice of profession child development mistakes in education ChildrenThe emergence of the Oreshnik missile system in Russia effectively eliminates the need to use nuclear weapons, Putin said.
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