The role of the New Year tree was played by the public and business complex "Lakhta Center" in St. Petersburg - 82 floors.
Igor Zur New Year tree interesting records Guinness Book of Records Russia Records and anti-records 7 January 2025Elena Silina, president of the National Fitness Community, told us how to get your gastrointestinal tract in order after the New Year.
Timur Khomichev digestive system New Year's holidays fasting day how to improve digestion Beauty and health 6 January 2025Here are some tips to help prevent premature needle loss from your holiday tree.
Igor Zur live christmas tree mistakes a pine tree air temperature Useful tips 5 January 2025Dog owners were told about two simple ways to help calm their pets during the holidays.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog behavior reduce stress pets and animals Pets 1 January 2025The doctor told us what a healthy New Year's breakfast should be like.
Igor Zur healthy breakfast medical advice New Year's salads maintain health Beauty and health 1 January 2025During the feast, don't forget to have a snack, but try not to overeat.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news holiday alcohol drinking alcohol Useful tips 1 January 2025Having a hard time waking up? Headache? Feeling weak and tired? You can fix the situation in 60 minutes!
Kurchev Anton hangover hangover cure hangover remedies brine activated carbon Beauty and health 1 January 2025A festive feast with its abundance of drinks and food carries a potential danger to your figure.
Elena Shimanovskaya holiday food nutrition diet Diets 31 December 2024New Year is a family holiday, so all parents probably want their children to be able to share the joy of its celebration with them.
Elena Shimanovskaya holiday children and family child baby sleep Children 31 December 2024If you're currently going through a depressive episode, don't let the holiday rush make it worse.
Elena Shimanovskaya holiday depression cope with depression health People and Events 31 December 2024Experts include lightly salted fish, smoked meats, raw or semi-raw eggs in this category of holiday food.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news dishes danger child Children 31 December 2024Nutritionists say: it will be no worse than mayonnaise, but the calorie content is much lower.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news dishes caloric content recommendations Diets 31 December 2024If you want to give your child a truly magical New Year, you'll have to put in a little work.
Elena Shimanovskaya child holiday Father Frost parents and children Children 30 December 2024If you want all your wishes to come true in the New Year, you should make every effort to avoid making some serious mistakes.
Elena Shimanovskaya psychology how to improve life dreams aims People and Events 30 December 2024New Year is a time of joy, anticipation of miracles and joyful bustle. We decorate the tree, choose gifts, prepare delicious dishes for the festive table and invite guests.
Elena Shimanovskaya mother-in-law conflict holiday conflicts in the family Love and Family 30 December 2024Live Christmas trees, as we know, have a limited “lifespan”.
Elena Shimanovskaya Christmas tree New Year tree live Christmas tree tree Useful tips 30 December 2024To minimize the likelihood of such a disaster, it is recommended to trim the tree trunk before placing it in water.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news New Year's decorations danger warning People and Events 30 December 2024True, experts say, it will take time and a certain amount of skill.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Olivier salad herring under a fur coat health Diets 30 December 2024The taste is so killer that you will hardly tear yourself away from it voluntarily. And what about children? Well, there is nothing to say about them.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news pie pie recipe preparation Cooking 30 December 2024Sometimes some of these gifts are so inappropriate that the recipients may be offended.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news present things an insult People and Events 29 December 2024