At the New Year's table, parents should pay special attention to their children.
First of all, it is recommended that mothers and fathers watch what exactly their children eat.
And if the baby is under five years old, parents should be doubly vigilant.
Why? Because, doctors warn, some New Year's dishes pose a potential danger to such children.
Dangerous dishes
Experts include lightly salted fish, smoked meats, raw or semi-raw eggs in this category of holiday food.
Dishes prepared on their basis, such as homemade mayonnaise or protein cream, are also not recommended.
Doctors pay special attention to dishes that have been on the table for more than two hours at a temperature above plus six degrees.
They, experts say, should be removed in a timely manner or stored in special conditions.
If food needs to remain chilled, it is recommended to use cooling elements or ice.
If they need to be warm, you need to use miniature burners that maintain the required temperature.
If the temperature regime is violated, bacteria may begin to actively multiply.
The latter is especially dangerous for children with an underdeveloped immune system.
There is also a risk for older people, pregnant women, and those who have recently undergone a transplant or radiation therapy.
Doctors have urged parents not to forget unfinished alcoholic drinks on the table.
A child may try alcohol out of curiosity, which can lead to poisoning.
The Threat of the Little Ones
Experts also reminded that vegetables, fruits, bananas and even tangerines need to be washed.
One must also be aware of the potential danger of small foods that children can swallow, such as cherry tomatoes, grapes, etc.
It is recommended to cut them into halves or even quarters.
It is recommended to place hot dishes in the center of the table – this way you can avoid them accidentally tipping over.