Children pick up snippets of phrases like radios, even when they seem completely immersed in their own activities.
Kurchev Anton child Parents' mistakes conversations child psychology Children 17 March 2025The main mistake is to think that everything in the world needs to be explained to a child. In fact, the brain develops not from ready-made answers, but from searching for solutions.
Kurchev Anton child smart people questions Advice to parents Children 11 March 2025Many parents praise and scold their children incorrectly, and then are surprised that their children become indecisive and insecure.
Kurchev Anton praise criticism the rules how to praise a child Children 9 March 2025A long trip with a child is a real test even for the most patient parents.
Elena Shimanovskaya road communication with a child what to play with kids Advice to parents Children 27 February 2025Imagine that every pencil stroke or lump of plasticine in a child’s hands is the beginning of a long journey.
Elena Shimanovskaya creativity Advice to parents raising children teaching a child Children 27 February 2025Imagine: your son, whom you raised and protected, now wakes up every morning next to another woman.
Elena Shimanovskaya mother and son wedding jealousy why does jealousy arise Love and Family 26 February 2025Many adults are at a loss when they watch their children ignore their responsibilities.
Elena Shimanovskaya teenagers education of teenagers sense of responsibility Advice to parents Children 25 February 2025Sometimes the most ordinary words that we consider harmless become poison for the child’s psyche.
Kurchev Anton communication with a child Parents' mistakes Parents' phrases Advice to parents Children 25 February 2025A child's scream in a supermarket or on a playground makes the parents of a capricious toddler blush and get angry.
Elena Shimanovskaya child the child is crying hysterics children's tantrums Children 24 February 2025You stand in a store with a smile on your face while your three-year-old hands the clerk his money and whispers a memorized "thank you."
Elena Shimanovskaya parents Parents' phrases raising children child Children 19 February 2025It has been proven that among millionaires, 40% were average students in school, and 15% were poor students.
Igor Zur children and study Advice to parents mistakes in education secrets of success Children 17 February 2025"Have you seen her daughter? At five years old, she speaks three languages!" parents whisper at school meetings.
Elena Shimanovskaya upbringing council mom dad brick child Children 14 February 2025Generation Z sees the world through a screen, and we try to explain life to them through newspapers.
Igor Zur child development child psychology advice from psychologists social media Children 14 February 2025In 10 years, the child will forget the discriminant formula and will definitely regret not learning to say “no” to toxic people and survive an infostorm.
Igor Zur personal development child development scientific facts education Children 14 February 2025Coercion is a road to nowhere, say child development experts.
Igor Zur Advice to parents children and study child development education Children 13 February 2025It is generally accepted that gifted children are most often born to people with blood type zero Rh factor.
Igor Zur blood group level of intelligence creativity scientific facts Children 5 February 2025The doctor spoke about the most common mistakes parents make when treating runny noses in children.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes children's health runny nose medical advice Children 3 February 2025Gloves or mittens – almost as eternal a question as to be or not to be.
Elena Shimanovskaya child gloves children's clothing council mom dad Children 27 January 2025If a child is faced with a lack of parental love, it will seriously affect his personality.
Kurchev Anton child Love psychology human behavior Children 26 January 2025Frequent use of certain dangerous “educational” phrases by parents makes children feel insecure and indecisive.
Kurchev Anton child behavior Parents' phrases Parents' mistakes Advice to parents Children 25 January 2025