Educational psychologist Nikita Borisov explained what parents absolutely must not do in the presence of their children.
Timur Khomichev parents and children children and parents behavior Advice to parents Children 20 January 2025Being an authority figure for your child is, frankly speaking, not easy. It is even more difficult to get that authority figure back.
Elena Shimanovskaya children and family parents and children council mom dad raising children Children 4 January 2025It will be very difficult for a child to live in an atmosphere of constant quarrels.
Kurchev Anton divorce children and parents Parents' mistakes Advice to parents Love and Family 20 December 2024Building a harmonious relationship with your partner's parents is, frankly speaking, not an easy task. Sometimes it can be difficult even to understand their true attitude towards you.
Elena Shimanovskaya partner relationship meeting the parents man and woman Love and Family 18 December 2024Alexander Revva has publicly said more than once that his relationship with his mother can in no way be called ideal.
Elena Shimanovskaya Alexander Revva Mother parents and children mother and son Show business 11 December 2024In the republic, parents of disabled children can apply for a four-day work week.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News work Society 5 December 2024A child who is rude to his parents may be motivated by various reasons.
Elena Shimanovskaya child parents and children rudeness child behavior Children 21 November 2024After meeting your partner's parents, you may sometimes get the feeling that they dislike you.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship man and woman Love meeting the parents Love and Family 14 November 2024No one argues with the fact that divorce of parents is almost always a terrible blow for children.
Elena Shimanovskaya parents and children children and family divorce Love and Family 2 November 2024Unfortunately, it often happens that after a relationship breaks up, one of the parents seems to “drop out” of parenting.
Elena Shimanovskaya family divorce parents and children child Love and Family 29 October 2024We tell you how you shouldn’t behave with adult children.
Timur Khomichev grown up children children and parents Parents' mistakes Advice to parents Children 28 October 2024Even as adults, children continue to receive moral teachings from their parents.
Elena Shimanovskaya child grown up children communication Children 15 October 2024When mom and dad separate, children feel abandoned, scared and confused.
Sergey Tumanov children and parents family and relationships board Love and Family 15 October 2024Unfortunately (or fortunately), pediatricians and psychologists have not come to a consensus regarding co-sleeping of children with their parents.
Elena Shimanovskaya child council mom dad Children 9 October 2024Psychologists say that upbringing is a joint task of a man and a woman. Both parents should take part in this process.
Elena Shimanovskaya father family child raising children Love and Family 27 September 2024The most common scenario for eye color inheritance is that a mother and father with brown eyes will have a child with brown-eyed irises.
Elena Shimanovskaya child eye color genetics heredity People and Events 20 September 2024Some parenting and education advice is harmful.
Marina Michalap parenting tips Advice to parents children and family Children 9 September 2024Fraudsters have started using parent chats to extort money.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News scammer Incidents 9 September 2024Certain rules of conduct must be observed not only by children, but also by adults.
Elena Shimanovskaya advice for moms children and family child Children 6 September 2024Parents need to stop automatically saying the boring “no” and move on to actions that are more understandable for the child.
Sergey Tumanov Top news parents and children words life hacks Children 18 August 2024