Whether or not to give a baby a pacifier is a decision that should be made exclusively by his parents, and not by grandparents or self-proclaimed “experts” on the Internet.
Elena Shimanovskaya child children and parents Advice to parents raising children Children 20 January 2025Praising a child is certainly necessary in order to motivate and support him.
Elena Shimanovskaya child praise how to praise a child raising children Children 17 January 2025Every parent sooner or later faces the question: when can you start leaving your child home alone?
Elena Shimanovskaya child loneliness upbringing parents and children Children 10 January 2025Praise is a powerful tool in parenting, but it's important to use it wisely.
Elena Shimanovskaya child praise how to praise a child Advice to parents Children 9 January 2025Keeping an apartment tidy is not always easy even for adults.
Elena Shimanovskaya parents and children games for kids cleaning responsibilities Children 8 January 2025Being an authority figure for your child is, frankly speaking, not easy. It is even more difficult to get that authority figure back.
Elena Shimanovskaya children and family parents and children parents raising children Children 4 January 2025If you've never encountered the term "white noise" before, here's the definition: it's a mixture of sounds that are simultaneously played at all frequencies that the human ear can perceive.
Elena Shimanovskaya child parents and children upbringing raising children Children 2 January 2025Every parent needs some time to rest and recharge their batteries to continue caring for their children.
Elena Shimanovskaya child useful activities what to play with kids children and parents Children 14 December 2024Sometimes parents get irritated even by their own child.
Elena Shimanovskaya child children and parents upbringing raising children Children 13 December 2024Many parents face the problem of lack of motivation for study in their school-age children.
Elena Shimanovskaya studies children and study school students Children 11 December 2024Creative thinking is a skill that will definitely be useful to a child in the future.
Elena Shimanovskaya child parents and children child development child development Children 10 December 2024Teamwork is an important skill for every child to master because it helps them interact effectively with others and use their abilities to achieve a common goal.
Elena Shimanovskaya child teaching a child child development team Children 6 December 2024Children, with their still underdeveloped brains, have a harder time paying attention to certain things.
Elena Shimanovskaya child parents and children attention child development Children 4 December 2024If you are looking for a way to wean your child off a pacifier, you have probably already heard of the option that suggests smearing the pacifier with mustard.
Elena Shimanovskaya child parents and children Children 1 December 2024With so many distractions and easy entertainment, it can be difficult to get a modern child interested in reading.
Elena Shimanovskaya reading child reading for children children and reading Children 22 November 2024Drawing for a child is as natural an activity as playing.
Elena Shimanovskaya drawing drawing child child development Children 20 November 2024Your baby is growing and developing every day – sooner or later the moment will come when he will start walking confidently.
Elena Shimanovskaya child stroller walking child development Children 19 November 2024What should be the transition to a common table for a child? First of all, gradual and taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby.
Elena Shimanovskaya parents and children nutrition baby food baby nutrition Children 7 November 2024By being able to navigate in time, a child can structure their day, understand the sequence of events and develop their planning skills.
Elena Shimanovskaya child education development child development Children 6 November 2024Every parent knows how difficult it is to stay calm when a child is misbehaving, annoying, or doing stupid things.
Elena Shimanovskaya child communication with a child phrases Children 1 November 2024