Children respond better to short signals or choices - feeling in control, the child is more likely to agree with the parent.
Igor Zur Advice to parents raising children tricks child psychology Children 19 February 2025Even if you don’t have children of your own, you may have witnessed more than once how some child in a store persistently tugged at his mother’s sleeve and asked in a drawn-out voice: “Come on, buy it, buy it!”
Elena Shimanovskaya children and parents council mom dad purchase spoiled child Children 13 February 2025Three phrases have been named that parents use in vain to calm their children.
Igor Zur raising children Parents' mistakes Advice to parents words and phrases Children 17 December 2024Three parenting tricks that will allow you to captivate your child and take him to kindergarten without tears and deception.
Igor Zur kindergarten Advice to parents mistakes in education tricks Children 2 December 2024Scientists have come to the conclusion that children's whims depend on their daily routine and the time they go to bed.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes daily routine research by scientists Advice to parents Children 15 November 2024Experts have revealed what lies behind children's rudeness, insults and whims.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents coarseness psychological attitudes Children 18 September 2024Children's whims turn a walk with a child into a real nightmare for parents.
Kurchev Anton walk parents and children Advice to parents psychological trick Children 17 July 2024Scientists do not recommend calming children's tantrums with the help of gadgets - they do not solve the problem.
Igor Zur raising children Parents' mistakes research by scientists child and gadgets Children 2 July 2024How parents can outsmart a capricious child - 3 simple tricks.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents tricks psychological trick Children 21 June 2024Three clever ways to help wean your child off a pacifier.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents bad habits tricks Children 29 May 2024Some tips for parents to help prepare their child for kindergarten.
Igor Zur Advice to parents raising children kindergarten tricks Children 21 May 2024The reaction of adults determines how quickly the hysteria will end and what lessons the little person will learn from it.
Igor Zur children and parents raising children Advice to parents hysterics Children 13 May 2024Four tips for parents who can't come to an agreement with a capricious child.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents tricks sense of responsibility Children 23 April 2024Experts have named the main reasons for children's whims - often the parents themselves are to blame.
Igor Zur raising children Parents' mistakes experts useful tips and life hacks Children 30 March 2024What phrases should be taboo for fathers and mothers - only increase hysteria in children.
Igor Zur children and parents mistakes in education Advice to parents Parents' phrases Children 16 March 2024Some advice from psychologists that will help you develop the right response to a child’s tantrum.
Igor Zur Advice to parents hysterics raising children mistakes in education Children 25 February 2024We tell you what you need to tell your child to stop being capricious.
Timur Khomichev children and family child raising children hysterics Children 24 December 2023Not everyone knows the reasons why children are most often capricious.
Marina Michalap raising children Advice to parents psychology family relationships Children 1 December 2023