If you start telling your child that he is talented, then, oddly enough, you will only harm him.
Kurchev Anton child talent parents and children Parents' mistakes Advice to parents 1 January 2025New Year is a family holiday, so all parents probably want their children to be able to share the joy of its celebration with them.
Elena Shimanovskaya New Year holiday children and family child baby sleep 31 December 2024The main mistakes parents make that cause their children to grow up financially illiterate have been named.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes raising children financial literacy of a child Advice to parents problems in life 31 December 2024Wise parents do not solve difficult problems for their children, but motivate them to cope with difficulties on their own.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents teaching a child communication with children talent 31 December 2024Experts include lightly salted fish, smoked meats, raw or semi-raw eggs in this category of holiday food.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news New Year dishes danger child 31 December 2024If you want to give your child a truly magical New Year, you'll have to put in a little work.
Elena Shimanovskaya child New Year holiday Father Frost parents and children 30 December 2024Parents were told how to help their child choose a profession.
Igor Zur Advice to parents choice of profession teenager education teaching a child 30 December 2024This salad can appear on a children's menu from the age of 10 or 12, when the digestive system is ready for the known ingredients.
Igor Zur children's health medical advice New Year's dishes Advice to parents diet 30 December 2024The child begins to feel guilty. And the child is effectively deprived of the opportunity to manage his own things.
Kurchev Anton child greed parents and children Parents' mistakes Advice to parents 29 December 2024There are several interesting ideas, by implementing which you will give your children real New Year's miracles, and this means a sea of smiles and an ocean of joy.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news New Year holiday classes parents and children 28 December 2024The doctor explained how much candy children can eat - no more than 3 pieces per day, provided that certain conditions are met.
Igor Zur doctor's advice children's health harm of sugar candies Advice to parents 27 December 2024A pediatrician told parents how to organize a New Year's celebration with children aged one to six years.
Igor Zur New Year children and family Advice to parents medical advice children's health 27 December 2024Many children are very attached to their mobile devices. Some boys and girls develop a smartphone addiction.
Kurchev Anton child child and gadgets smartphones problems Advice to parents 27 December 2024Children's endocrinologist Daria Khaikina told us which New Year's dishes are not suitable for children.
Timur Khomichev baby food New Year's dishes festive dishes junk food New Year 26 December 2024The psychologist is confident that the question of the existence of Santa Claus is resolved naturally.
Igor Zur Advice to parents advice from psychologists Father Frost child development New Year gifts 26 December 2024Psychologists believe that the older a child becomes, the less often he needs to be given financial support.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news parents and children child money schoolchildren 26 December 2024Almost every child initially has the desire to gain knowledge. However, at some point the learning process may become uninteresting and even unpleasant for the child.
Kurchev Anton child schoolboy teaching a child Parents' mistakes Advice to parents 26 December 2024Parents were told in which cases a book would be a memorable New Year's gift.
Igor Zur Advice to parents children and reading New Year gifts books child development 25 December 2024There are many phrases that many parents consider "educational". But in reality, not all of these remarks help moms and dads achieve the desired result.
Kurchev Anton parents and children communication with a child Parents' mistakes Parents' phrases dangerous phrases 25 December 2024A dentist named toffee, caramel and milk chocolate as the most harmful sweets in a child’s New Year’s gift.
Igor Zur New Year gifts children's health tooth enamel harmful products medical advice 24 December 2024