There are two colors that are best avoided, regardless of personal preference.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news house color life hacks Design and interior 15 January 2025The closer an ingredient is to the top of the list, the more of it is in the product.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news shops products food products Useful tips 11 January 2025Sometimes we are overly concerned with what other people think of us and how they think we should act.
Elena Shimanovskaya relationship partner communication with people phrases Love and Family 10 January 2025One of the most popular items that people fill their shopping baskets with is sausage.
Elena Shimanovskaya sausage food products quality products Cooking 2 January 2025More and more often, when choosing drinks for a festive table or a romantic evening, people give preference to those that have the “alcohol free” mark on the label.
Elena Shimanovskaya wine alcohol alcoholic drinks festive table People and Events 30 December 2024Pay attention to the letters. They indicate the product category. If we see "D" - we take it.
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Pavel Gospodarik Top news potato varieties landing Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 December 2024Experts say: the longer the tree stands in the warmth before the New Year holidays, the shorter its lifespan.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news New Year Christmas tree tree Useful tips 25 December 2024A good sausage, a priori, cannot cost less than the meat from which it is actually made.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news shop food products sausage Useful tips 24 December 2024If you want to enjoy a real gourmet drink on New Year's Eve, you shouldn't skimp.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news New Year champagne purchase Useful tips 20 December 2024Experts say: A fresh orange has a distinct smell. It should also be firm and smooth.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news fruits oranges purchase Useful tips 15 December 2024When choosing a living tree, first of all pay attention to the condition of the needles - they should not be dry.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news New Year Christmas tree purchase Useful tips 15 December 2024The packaging must indicate the specific name of the fish, and not the generic “salmon caviar”.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news food products caviar purchase Useful tips 14 December 2024The main danger that artificial trees pose is toxicity.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news New Year Christmas tree purchase Useful tips 14 December 2024When we buy a pineapple, we all hope that it will be sweet and juicy, but unfortunately, it often happens that we bring home from the store something that tastes bland.
Elena Shimanovskaya pineapple fruits purchase food products Cooking 13 December 2024When you don’t know how to make the right decision, and there’s no one to consult with, the first thing you need to do is calm down.
Igor Zur psychological attitudes advice from psychologists psychological stability emotions People and Events 12 December 2024The ripeness of an orange is indicated by the bright and uniform color of its peel.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news oranges purchase life hacks Useful tips 1 December 2024Some cunning sellers, trying to hide the smell of spoiled lard, freeze it.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news food products fat purchase Useful tips 30 November 2024If you have chosen the “right” persimmon, but it is still astringent, place it in the refrigerator (or freezer) for one or two days.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news berries persimmon life hacks Useful tips 27 November 2024We all have to make decisions every day, which can sometimes be very difficult.
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