Cynologists have revealed which dog breeds are considered the best for families and first-time owners.
If we talk about those who have decided to get a pet for the first time, then the dogs named below will be good for them primarily because they have a calm character.
In addition, these four-legged friends are easy to learn commands and are distinguished by their love and devotion to their owners.
For this reason, they are ideal not only for beginners, but also for families, including those with children.
Golden Retriever
These dogs are very energetic, but at the same time have a calm character. They have high intelligence.
They are easy to train, but require constant training.
Smart, energetic, cheerful dogs. They love to play and are attached to their owners.
Ideal for those families who will not spare time to train these cute creatures.
Labrador Retriever
One of the most loyal dogs to its owner. Very friendly, easy to train.
They can be great companions and are always willing to be around people.
Bernese Mountain Dog
These dogs are distinguished by their friendliness. They are active, learn quickly, and love to be with people.
However, wool can also be a problem when it comes to constant cleaning.