You can prevent the appearance of onion shoots even at the sowing stage.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners onion harvest mistakes beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 March 2025Why do some seeds sprout together within a week, while others lie in the ground for years without moving?
Elena Shimanovskaya seeds seeds seedlings sowing summer cottage work Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025The main deception is the expiration dates - the dates on the seed packets are often falsified, especially if the product has been lying around for a while.
Igor Zur sowing growing seedlings advice for summer residents mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025When you buy seeds, you trust the information on the label, but what if behind the beautiful pictures there is not truth, but deception?
Elena Shimanovskaya seeds varieties plants vegetables Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 February 2025Have you been told that seeds older than three years are dead weight? Don't believe it.
Elena Shimanovskaya seeds advice for summer residents summer cottage tricks sowing Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 February 2025How to learn to read the information on seed packaging correctly - your harvest depends on it.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners advice for summer residents home seedlings seeds Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 February 2025It is believed that soaking in potassium permanganate kills not only fungi, but also beneficial bacteria.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents seedling care mistakes summer cottage tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 February 2025Seed testing before sowing is carried out in two stages.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners buy seeds home seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 February 2025Not all folk advice for summer residents should be used in practice - half of it does not work.
Igor Zur folk recipes dacha and garden the best green manure dacha in winter Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 February 2025What to sow now and how to prepare for sowing to harvest in April.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents sowing soil cultivation plant care Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 February 2025Don't miss the next few weeks of February, otherwise your garden will remain empty.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners increasing crop yields sowing dacha and garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 February 2025Selecting seeds is one of the most important stages that every gardener preparing for the new season must overcome.
Elena Shimanovskaya seeds buy seeds choice advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 February 2025We are talking about tomatoes, eggplants and peppers.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news winter seedling plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 February 2025Breeders have taken care to protect this hybrid from powdery mildew, cladosporiosis, cucumber mosaic, as well as cold and poor lighting.
Igor Zur growing cucumbers garden and harvest healthy seedlings sowing Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 February 2025Summer residents were told the best varieties of radish for sowing in the 2025 season.
Igor Zur growing radishes tips for gardeners varieties harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 February 2025Several varieties of squash and zucchini that are popular among domestic summer residents.
Igor Zur growing zucchini varieties tips for gardeners squash harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 February 2025The seeds of vegetable crops that are prepared for sowing in February are called summer residents.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners dacha and garden vegetables increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 February 2025It is no secret that crops grown from their own seeds adapt more quickly to the local climate and soil of a particular site.
Elena Shimanovskaya pepper sweet pepper hot pepper seeds Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 January 2025Summer residents were told how to prepare potato seeds for planting so that the tubers also develop roots.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners increasing crop yields potatoes dacha and garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 January 2025Of the nightshade family, pepper is the most capricious crop, which does not forgive either haste or being late.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners how to grow peppers home seedlings lunar calendar Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 January 2025