seed material


Over the past few decades, scientists and agricultural workers have developed and implemented many new technologies to increase crop yields and improve the quality of products.

Elena Shimanovskaya plants seeds plasma treatment plasma seeds Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 April 2024

Many gardeners have heard about the benefits of soaking seeds, but far fewer gardeners know that this procedure is not suitable for all seeds.

Elena Shimanovskaya seeds soaking seeds garden and vegetable garden, dacha seedling Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 March 2024

One of the available methods of stimulating seed growth is the use of a traditional technique based on the use of boiling water and cold water.

Elena Shimanovskaya seeds seeds seedlings how to stimulate seeds seedling Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 March 2024

Early February sowing makes it possible to obtain mass flowering and abundant fruiting of plants throughout the entire gardening season.

Igor Zur seeds seedlings tips for gardeners growing onions for greens harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 February 2024

Summer residents were told which vegetable crops should be sown for seedlings in February first, and what can wait until March.

Igor Zur seeds seedlings tips for gardeners growing plants vegetables Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 January 2024

Lunar calendar and other tricks that will help you grow eggplant seedlings when sowing seeds in January.

Igor Zur seeds seedlings advice for summer residents eggplant growing seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 January 2024