Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium are the three pillars of spring fertilizers, but their proportions depend on the crop.
Igor Zur garden and harvest summer cottage tricks the best green manure watering Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 March 2025Cheap seeds often produce weak seedlings that lag behind in growth.
Elena Shimanovskaya petunias flowers bloom flower care Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2025The secret of summer residents is not in magic fertilizers or round-the-clock work, but in the ability to use what is at hand.
Igor Zur dacha in spring summer cottage tricks tree care board Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2025Cold water from a hose will shock the roots, especially peppers and eggplants.
Igor Zur increasing crop yields dacha and garden mistakes of summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2025Don't rush to fully uncover the bushes in the garden - leave a layer of mulch to protect the roots from night frosts.
Igor Zur tips for flower growers tips for gardeners dacha and garden mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2025Some "weeds" serve as indicators of the state of the soil - it's time to stop wasting energy on a senseless war with nature.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents plants weeds insect control beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2025Overwatering is one of the most common problems.
Igor Zur dacha and garden Secrets of the harvest summer resident mistakes board Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2025Imagine: instead of buying expensive fertilizers, you just take what you already have on hand.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents folk recipes top dressing and fertilizers natural fertilizer Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 February 2025Water from boiling potatoes contains starch and potassium - just cool it and water the flowers.
Igor Zur folk recipes tips for flower growers natural fertilizers diseases and pests Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025You may be making common mistakes that you don't even realize.
Igor Zur garden and harvest mistakes of summer residents soil mulching summer cottage tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025A garden is not a job, but a dialogue with nature, where your patience and attention turn into a harvest, aromas and colors that make life worth living.
Igor Zur neighborhood of vegetables beds in the garden water for irrigation summer cottage tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025Banana peels, eggshells, or even used coffee grounds can do wonders for your garden beds.
Igor Zur natural fertilizers summer cottage tricks fertile soil top dressing and fertilizers Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025Nature does not tolerate fuss, but loves order - even if it is your summer cottage.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents mistakes landing increasing crop yields crop rotation Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025Onion peel contains quercetin, phytoncides and a whole range of microelements.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners increasing crop yields diseases and pests summer cottage tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025Classical music or even the quiet hum of speakers at low volume can stimulate plant growth.
Igor Zur summer cottage tricks interesting facts increasing crop yields beds in the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025Mustard, popular with gardeners, can become a breeding ground for cruciferous flea beetles when sown late.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners what green manure to choose fertile soil selection of fertilizers Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 February 2025How to care for currants and where to start - many people think that it starts with pouring hot water, but this is not so.
Igor Zur currant increasing crop yields dacha in spring pest control Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025A few little tricks that aren't written about in gardening textbooks.
Igor Zur sowing beds in the garden summer cottage tricks increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025You are sure that your actions will not ruin the future harvest - several common mistakes in the gardening community.
Igor Zur mistakes of summer residents sowing crop rotation picking seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025The main mistake beginners make is to water plants a little every day.
Igor Zur mistakes of summer residents garden and harvest advice for summer residents bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 February 2025