It is believed that plant remains will rot much faster if a mixture of starch and urea is added to the pit or pile.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners useful tips and life hacks compost pit use of starch Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 January 2025Don't rush to throw away your Christmas tree! It will still be useful to you. Especially if you are a summer resident.
Kurchev Anton a pine tree preparation summer cottage tricks advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 January 2025According to experienced gardeners, the peel of oranges, tangerines and even grapefruit can be useful in the garden.
Igor Zur citrus fruits advice for summer residents pest control aphid treatment Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 January 2025Experienced gardeners told us what natural additives they usually use to feed peppers.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents growing peppers ash as fertilizer top dressing Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 December 2024Covering the compost will speed up processing and allow you to start using the free and useful fertilizer earlier.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners dacha in winter shelter compost preparation Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 December 2024How to properly apply eggshell fertilizer - not all plants like this additive.
Igor Zur fertilization eggshells for the garden mistakes of summer residents increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 December 2024In between mandatory fertilizing, you can support the ficus by preparing fertilizers according to folk recipes.
Igor Zur tips for flower growers plant care ficus care top dressing Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 December 2024Experienced farmers suggest making a powerful fertilizer for seedlings from bay leaves.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners home seedlings bay leaf seedling feeding Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 November 2024Why you need to cover your compost for the winter and what material is best.
Igor Zur compost for the garden tips for gardeners dacha in autumn shelter Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 November 2024Summer residents were reminded how to properly make compost from fallen leaves - it will be ready in the spring.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners compost preparation dacha in autumn restoration of soil fertility Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 November 2024Calendula is considered a true guardian of the garden - it repels insect pests and prevents the development of root rot.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners diseases and pests increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 29 September 2024Solutions and infusions of turmeric help protect plants from diseases and pests, and also act as a growth stimulant.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents pest control fight against diseases increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 August 2024Summer residents were told what additives to use during the period of ripening of tomatoes in the beds.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners growing tomatoes mineral fertilizers increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 July 2024Summer residents were told why they should feed strawberries if there will be no more berries.
Igor Zur growing strawberries strawberry fertilizer increasing crop yields advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 July 2024Using fresh manure to fertilize onions is one of the most common and dangerous mistakes.
Igor Zur dacha and garden growing onions summer resident mistakes plant care wood ash Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 July 2024A recipe for a simple solution that improves the composition of water for irrigation - add directly to the barrel.
Igor Zur summer cottage work water for irrigation useful tips and life hacks summer cottage Garden and Vegetable Garden 29 June 2024What to do with last year's supply of vegetables and fruits - not everything will go into the compost pit.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents cellar storage harvest compost waste Useful tips 22 June 2024Tomatoes prefer fertilizers with high phosphorus and potassium content, which promote root development and fruit formation.
Igor Zur growing tomatoes tips for gardeners eggshells for the garden fertilization Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 June 2024Not all summer residents know how to make excellent fertilizer from mown grass.
Marina Michalap green manure recipe for top dressing advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 May 2024Summer residents were given three options for feeding radishes - they will grow like crazy.
Igor Zur growing radishes advice for summer residents dacha in spring Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 May 2024