Have you ever wondered why store-bought carrots are often sweeter than home-grown ones? It's simple: they are grown using a technology that large agricultural holdings hide.
Kurchev Anton carrot growing carrots watering carrots advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2025Who said that watermelons grow only in southern melon fields?
Kurchev Anton watermelon growing baking soda tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 February 2025We tell you how to properly plant onion sets with ash.
Timur Khomichev onion sets garlic onion planting ash Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 February 2025Few flowers love wood ash as much as roses.
Timur Khomichev roses ash roses at the dacha how to grow roses Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 February 2025Ash and soda are quite effective separately. But what happens if you mix these two powders? The answer is simple: you get a real super-remedy.
Kurchev Anton soda means fertilizer pest control Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 January 2025Want your fruit trees and bushes to produce a good harvest this year? Then help these plants in mid-winter.
Kurchev Anton dacha in winter trees in the garden shrubs advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 January 2025Want to get a bountiful strawberry harvest? Then learn in advance about one secret of quickly replenishing the lack of important substances in the soil.
Kurchev Anton strawberry tobacco dust pest control advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 January 2025Wood ash is a popular fertilizer among gardeners, which can be used in both dry and liquid form.
Elena Shimanovskaya ash ash as fertilizer ash at the dacha fertilizer Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 January 2025The resulting liquid will help “awaken” the seeds.
Kurchev Anton seeds seedling tricks advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 December 2024Wood ash is a useful fertilizer, but it should be used with caution.
Timur Khomichev ash mistakes use of ash ash as fertilizer Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 November 2024On the one hand, ash is the most accessible fertilizer, but this fertilizer has its own disadvantages.
Igor Zur growing raspberries fertilization tips for gardeners summer resident mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 November 2024Probably all gardeners and vegetable growers know that ash does not contain nitrogen, but it does contain up to 30 other elements, which makes it an effective fertilizer for plants.
Elena Shimanovskaya ash ash at the dacha use of ash advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 November 2024Wood ash is a very useful, but not at all universal fertilizer.
Timur Khomichev ash ash as fertilizer harm of ash ash feeding Garden and Vegetable Garden 22 October 2024An expert reminded summer residents how to properly apply ash in the fall.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents organic fertilizers mistakes of summer residents vegetable garden in autumn Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 October 2024Calcium in ash is present in a form that is difficult for garden and vegetable crops to access.
Kurchev Anton ash vinegar at the dacha advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 October 2024Summer residents were told in which cases ash should not be used in the garden.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners fertilization mistakes of summer residents restoration of soil fertility Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 September 2024Ash is popular among summer residents of all ages, as it is one of the most effective and at the same time affordable organic fertilizers.
Elena Shimanovskaya ash ash as fertilizer garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 September 2024We tell you how to properly use ash as a fertilizer.
Timur Khomichev ash use of ash ash as fertilizer fertilizing plants with ash Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 September 2024We'll tell you which plants react poorly to the addition of ash.
Timur Khomichev ash ash as fertilizer harm of ash use of ash Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 August 2024It's almost August. During this period, the above-ground part of the beet stops growing. The phase of active growth of root crops begins.
Kurchev Anton beet growing beets top dressing how to feed beets Garden and Vegetable Garden 31 July 2024