To get a good harvest of onions, they need to be fed.
When planting, it is best to use wood ash.
We tell you how to properly plant onion sets with ash.

How to plant onion sets with ash
The key to a good harvest is high-quality seed material.
When buying onion sets, you need to pay attention not only to the variety, but also to the size and condition of the bulbs.
Focus on the planting time. Small sets will do for winter ones, but large ones are needed for spring ones.
As for the condition of the bulbs, they should be firm, dry and free of mold.
Before planting, onion sets are warmed up for several weeks at a temperature of 26-30 degrees.
Or you can warm it up the day before planting for 8-10 hours at a temperature of 35-40 degrees.
Onions cannot be planted directly into the ash; after being placed into the furrows, they are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
Then we water the bed with warm water and plant the bulbs, pressing them slightly into the soil.
The distance between the bulbs should be 15 centimeters.