Growing beets, but they taste like grass instead of sugar? It's all due to a lack of two elements: boron and sodium.
Kurchev Anton beet growing beets sweet beetroot how to feed beets Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 March 2025A few tips on how to turn a plot into a fruitful paradise without digging, chemicals, or supernatural efforts.
Igor Zur increasing crop yields garden and harvest dacha in spring fertilization Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 March 2025The lush, breathtaking caps of peonies are not an accident, but the result of proper feeding.
Kurchev Anton peonies how to feed peonies flowers wood ash Garden and Vegetable Garden 13 March 2025Know: this is not fantasy at all! It is quite possible to harvest such large beets.
Kurchev Anton beet growing beets how to feed beets beet harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 March 2025Remember how, as a child, beets from your grandmother’s garden melted in your mouth like caramel?
Kurchev Anton beet growing beets how to feed beets sweet beetroot Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 March 2025The ideal time for whitewashing is when the snow has already melted, but the buds have not yet swollen.
Igor Zur tree care whitewashing trees dacha in spring increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 March 2025Large heads of garlic with walnut-sized cloves are the result of March fertilizing, which most gardeners ignore.
Kurchev Anton growing garlic Garlic fertilizing fertilizers garlic harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 March 2025Imagine that your peppers will grow so fleshy and juicy that they can be mistaken for a hybrid with the Bulgarian giant. And you won’t need expensive fertilizers for this.
Kurchev Anton peppers growing peppers eggshell how to feed pepper Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 March 2025Have you ever imagined that a common ingredient you throw away every day can turn your strawberries into luscious candies?
Kurchev Anton strawberry growing strawberries sweetness banana peel Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 March 2025It is possible to grow garlic the size of a fist, but to do so you will have to break all the traditional rules.
Kurchev Anton growing garlic Garlic fertilizing fertilizers for garlic fish Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 March 2025Carrots are a capricious root vegetable: either the soil is too dense, or the acidity is high, or pests eat the tops.
Kurchev Anton carrot growing carrots eggshell carrot harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 March 2025It might seem like there's nothing unexpected about using baking soda in the kitchen, but did you know that it can save your tomatoes from diseases and pests?
Kurchev Anton tomatoes growing tomatoes how to water tomatoes soda at the dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 March 2025You probably spend hours fighting weeds, and then throw them in the compost or, worse, burn them. But what if these "enemies" of the beds could become your crop's best friends?
Kurchev Anton weeds nettles in the country dandelions fertilizer Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 March 2025Milk from the garden: it sounds like a waste, but those who have tried this method can no longer do without it.
Kurchev Anton country house beds milk summer cottage tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 March 2025Prepare the soil properly for planting radishes so that you don’t have to apply fertilizer later.
Igor Zur radish increasing crop yields sowing fertilization Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 March 2025Have you noticed that some cucumbers grow like crazy, while others wither, despite watering and fertilizing? It's all about one simple ingredient that you throw in the trash every day.
Kurchev Anton cucumbers growing cucumbers soil use of tea Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 March 2025You've probably seen your neighbors harvesting onions the size of apples and wondered what their secret is. The answer is simpler than it seems.
Kurchev Anton onion planting growing onions onion harvest newspaper Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 March 2025Imagine that your garden beds will remain clean all summer long, and you will forget about endless weeding.
Kurchev Anton dacha in spring weeds weed control boiling water Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 March 2025It is dangerous when cabbage heads crack: bacteria penetrate the wounds and the crop rots at the root.
Kurchev Anton cabbage Growing Cabbage boric acid means Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 March 2025In March, the currants wake up, and your actions now will determine whether the harvest will be meager or such that the branches will bend under the weight of giant berries.
Kurchev Anton currant growing currants currant harvest yeast Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 March 2025