It is dangerous when cabbage heads crack: bacteria penetrate the wounds and the crop rots at the root.
Kurchev Anton cabbage Growing Cabbage means advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 March 2025Summer residents were told when and how many times they need to feed strawberries with boric acid.
Igor Zur growing strawberries fertilization increasing crop yields dacha in spring Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 February 2025Contrary to popular belief, you can still “help” the plant in the third month of summer.
Kurchev Anton tomatoes how to feed tomatoes iodine ash sweet tomatoes Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 August 2024We'll tell you about a cheap remedy that will help solve this problem.
Timur Khomichev cucumbers feeding cucumbers Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 July 2024One teaspoon of the preparation should be dissolved in a small amount of water. And add a teaspoon of sugar - for bait.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news plants ants sugar Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 June 2024Boron deficiency is a huge danger for currant bushes.
Kurchev Anton currant growing currants means advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 May 2024Violet is a popular houseplant that will become a real decoration of the apartment if it blooms profusely. But how to achieve the desired result?
Kurchev Anton violet fertilizers for violets violet bloom board Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 March 2024Not everyone knows how to properly feed tomatoes with boric acid.
Marina Michalap tomato harvest tomato feeding Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 February 2024The chances of getting a bountiful apple crop will be reduced if poor weather conditions persist for too long.
Kurchev Anton apple apples top dressing advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 January 2024Not everyone knows how to achieve an unprecedented strawberry harvest using boric acid.
Marina Michalap strawberry feeding growing strawberries Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 January 2024