violet bloom


While some flower growers complain about the whims of violets, others have revealed a ritual that turns modest flowers into living bouquets.

Elena Shimanovskaya violets indoor violet bloom indoor flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 February 2025

If indoor plants are liked by many lovers. Still, violets are distinguished by their appearance, which can decorate any room. But also plants are quite unpretentious in care and please with long and lush flowering.

Olga Kotova fertilizers for violets violets flowers plants Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 March 2024

Violet is a popular houseplant that will become a real decoration of the apartment if it blooms profusely. But how to achieve the desired result?

Kurchev Anton violet fertilizers for violets boric acid board Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 March 2024

Just imagine: you bought a leaf or a whole stalk of violet, fiddled with it for a long time, and when the plant finally produced buds, it turned out that they had nothing in common with the variety you so passionately dreamed of.

Elena Shimanovskaya violets violet indoor violet bloom reasons Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 January 2024

Sometimes it happens that violets, with pots filling the entire windowsill, delight their owner exclusively with lush greenery, but not with flowering.

Elena Shimanovskaya violets violet indoor violet bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 December 2023