Latest news for March 28, 2024


If you need to make homemade baked goods, but at the same time want to make the dough lean, tender and fluffy, then you should pay attention to this simple recipe.

Olga Kotova yeast dough how to make dough dough cooking and recipes yeast Cooking

The animal should be accustomed to visits to the doctor so that it is not a serious stress for them. This should be started from an early age.

Olga Kotova dogs dog vet for dog pets and animals pets Pets

To prevent eggs from cracking during cooking and to make them easy to peel, certain rules must be followed when preparing them.

Timur Khomichev eggs boiling eggs boiled eggs rules for boiling eggs mistakes when cooking eggs Cooking

If indoor plants are liked by many lovers. Still, violets are distinguished by their appearance, which can decorate any room. But also plants are quite unpretentious in care and please with long and lush flowering.

Olga Kotova fertilizers for violets violet bloom violets flowers plants Garden and Vegetable Garden

Normal metabolism is hindered by foods that contain sugar. Most often, such food is "disguised" as healthy.

Olga Kotova diets and nutrition proper nutrition harmful products food weight Diets

Breakups are always traumas that need to be overcome. Only after that should you start building new relationships that won't repeat old mistakes.

Olga Kotova healthy relationships relationship Love signs men and women Love and Family

Whether eating eggs will bring benefits depends largely on the method of preparation.

Timur Khomichev eggs boiled eggs fried eggs benefits of eggs the harm of fried eggs Diets

Roses can decorate any area with their appearance. But if you want these plants to bloom and please as long as possible, then you should choose the right place for planting them.

Olga Kotova roses at the dacha roses flowers landing garden and vegetable garden, dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden

Sooner or later, everyone reaches a point where they start thinking about changing jobs. It can be really hard to decide on this step. But if you notice some signs, you shouldn't hesitate.

Olga Kotova work career and work dismissal dismissal from work signs People and Events

The first date is an exciting and very important thing. However, it is precisely with its help that you can understand whether a person is suitable for further communication.

Olga Kotova Love first date date relationship signs Love and Family

We tell you why you need to remove mulch from strawberries in the spring and when you don’t have to do it.

Timur Khomichev strawberry mulch mulching mulching strawberries mulch for strawberries Garden and Vegetable Garden

Having an animal in the house is a big responsibility, not just a joy for the baby and parents. Therefore, you need to consider the child's age before buying a pet.

Olga Kotova cats choosing a pet children and family pets and animals board Pets

If you are tired of regular cutlets and want to diversify your diet, then you should pay attention to this simple recipe that anyone can repeat.

Olga Kotova carrot vegetables how to cook cutlets cutlets delicious cutlets Cooking