first date


Many women try to look perfect on the first date, choosing the best outfits for the meeting with a man and putting on bright makeup.

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Of course, a guy is unlikely to ignore a girl's beauty. But he will also be interested in other things. For example, the behavior and mood of his companion.

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Scientists believe that a woman's habit of being distracted by her smartphone on the first date indicates problems with intelligence.

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Probably, each of us is familiar with the feeling of pleasant excitement that arises somewhere inside on the eve of the first date.

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Five important points that a man will definitely not leave unnoticed on the first date.

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Let's imagine a situation: you were chatting pleasantly online, agreed to meet, but suddenly the person who showed up was not the one you expected to see.

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The first date is considered to be quite an exciting event. After all, everyone wants to show themselves from the best side. Appearance plays an important role in this matter. Therefore, it is worth thinking about choosing clothes for the meeting.

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The first date is an exciting and very important thing. However, it is precisely with its help that you can understand whether a person is suitable for further communication.

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On the first date, both parties can often be nervous. There is still a fear of not being liked by the new acquaintance, and there may also be a fear of making the wrong choice.

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