Marriage is called working on mistakes, but some “typos” are repeated by spouses year after year.
Elena Shimanovskaya family family and relationships relationship conflicts in the family Love and Family 24 February 2025It is generally accepted that the stronger sex is the main offender of fidelity, but science questions this stereotype.
Elena Shimanovskaya change a man's betrayal change of husband betrayal in marriage Love and Family 21 February 2025We tell you how a woman should not behave on a first date.
Timur Khomichev women date first date relationship Useful tips 4 February 2025Some positive feminine qualities act on men like a red rag on a bull.
Elena Shimanovskaya woman irritation qualities character traits Love and Family 28 January 2025For men, a permanent relationship is much more important in terms of psychological stability than for women.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news relationship health scientists Love and Family 11 January 2025Six myths about hangovers and drinking alcohol - it's time to stop believing them.
Igor Zur hangover myths alcoholic drinks bad habits People and Events 27 December 2024Psychologists have named the reasons why people condemn themselves to unrequited love - everything can still be fixed.
Igor Zur love and relationships low self-esteem relationship problems Advice for lovers Love and Family 24 December 2024Experts have named the most unsuccessful New Year gifts for women.
Igor Zur how to give gifts Advice for men New Year communication with people People and Events 23 December 2024It is not at all difficult to understand that a woman no longer loves the man she lives with.
Timur Khomichev women a woman who has fallen out of love relationship relationship problems Love and Family 9 December 2024Scientists have revealed which breakfast foods are best for men and which for women.
Igor Zur healthy eating research by scientists Dietitian's advice food products Diets 9 December 2024Each person has their own boundaries of what is permissible. At the same time, there are obvious things that cannot be ignored, since their presence in relationships between loving people is unacceptable.
Elena Shimanovskaya phrases men's phrases relationship relationships between people Love and Family 30 November 2024It is no secret that some representatives of the fair sex have a charming personality and can make any man fall in love with them.
Elena Gutyro signs of the zodiac relationship love and relationships Horoscopes 12 November 2024Sometimes men, without even thinking, avoid certain women, feeling the negative energy coming from them.
Elena Gutyro signs of the zodiac horoscopes and astrology Horoscopes 8 November 2024Numerous stereotypes have led many to believe in the superiority of men over women.
Sergey Tumanov women men psychology endurance People and Events 6 November 2024Some of the habits of men on dating sites irritate women the most.
Marina Michalap dating sites Advice for men acquaintance Love and Family 3 November 2024Some men on dating sites are not worth your attention.
Marina Michalap dating sites advice for women acquaintance Love and Family 31 October 2024Words have magical powers. They can be a bridge that connects people, bringing a smile, warmth, and even admiration.
Sergey Tumanov phrases men's phrases girls communication Love and Family 31 October 2024Some difficulties can destroy even strong relationships.
Marina Michalap difficulties in relationships relationship psychology of relationships Love and Family 28 October 2024Not everyone knows why many men have high demands on women.
Marina Michalap facts about men men male psychology Love and Family 25 October 2024There are a number of important signs that can help you identify a man who is not planning to get married.
Marina Michalap wedding advice for women psychology of relationships Love and Family 23 October 2024