You can identify emotionally immature people by the phrases they most often use in difficult moments of life.
Igor Zur words and phrases emotions communication with people psychology of communication People and Events 11 February 2025Happiness depends on the person himself, not on those around him - confirmed by a survey conducted among lonely people.
Igor Zur loneliness scientific facts research by scientists quality of life People and Events 3 February 2025Some positive feminine qualities act on men like a red rag on a bull.
Elena Shimanovskaya woman men and women irritation qualities Love and Family 28 January 2025Scientists have managed to identify the relationship that exists between musical preferences and a person’s character.
Elena Shimanovskaya music nature People psychology People and Events 28 January 2025What kind of flaws do women fall in love with men?
Kurchev Anton men male behavior women sympathy Love and Family 11 January 2025It is believed that people who are used to living in a slight disorder have unconventional thinking and creative abilities.
Igor Zur communication with people relationships psychological attitudes emotions People and Events 7 January 2025Depending on your patronymic, you can attract both negative events and good luck into your life.
Igor Zur numerology interesting facts secrets of success psychological attitudes People and Events 30 December 2024At first, lovers notice only positive aspects in each other. But after some time, the situation changes: it turns out that both the man and the woman have shortcomings.
Kurchev Anton relationship problems flaws Advice for lovers strong relationship Love and Family 27 December 2024To choose the perfect gift, you need to at least be imbued with attention to the person.
Igor Zur how to give gifts board age communication with people People and Events 16 December 2024Self-confidence is a very important personality trait.
Kurchev Anton child self-confidence Parents' phrases Advice to parents Children 14 December 2024Many representatives of the stronger sex have heard the phrase "a real man". However, not everyone is aware of the criteria that a person who claims this "status" must meet.
Kurchev Anton men male behavior women Advice for men Love and Family 4 December 2024Experts count eight types of manipulators - some are aggressive, and some require help.
Igor Zur unhealthy relationship manipulation techniques communication with people toxic relationship Love and Family 25 November 2024Scorpio, remember, jealousy is an emotion that can and should be controlled.
Elena Gutyro signs of the zodiac jealousy horoscopes and astrology Horoscopes 16 November 2024Aries's hot temper is a feature of his character that he cannot control.
Elena Gutyro signs of the zodiac zodiac signs and character Horoscopes 14 November 2024Thanks to this, they achieve great heights in their careers and personal lives.
Elena Gutyro signs of the zodiac zodiac signs and character Horoscopes 13 November 2024The 5 main signs of a man in love have been named.
Igor Zur man and woman man in love advice for women male behavior Love and Family 13 November 2024Eight tricks of non-verbal communication will tell you more about a person than he wants to tell about himself.
Igor Zur psychology of communication communication with people board People and Events 12 November 2024A common feature for Aries of both sexes is determination, maximalism and persistence.
Elena Gutyro signs of the zodiac zodiac signs and character love and relationships Horoscopes 10 November 2024What is it about Capricorn that scares or repels people?
Elena Gutyro signs of the zodiac horoscopes and astrology Horoscopes 8 November 2024Astrologers believe that it is easier to find ways to reconcile when you know and take into account the person’s zodiac sign.
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