Depending on your patronymic, you can attract both negative events and good luck into your life.
Igor Zur interesting facts secrets of success character traits psychological attitudes People and Events 30 December 2024According to the forecasts of Russian numerologist Mara Boronina, next year will be the year of three "G".
Timur Khomichev prediction forecast predictions People and Events 22 November 2024If your date of birth contains the number 6, you are made for family life.
Timur Khomichev numbers Love happiness family happiness People and Events 9 November 2024We will tell you how to calculate your karmic number based on your date of birth.
Timur Khomichev date of birth numbers People and Events 12 September 2024Numerologists claim that repeating numbers in a person’s date of birth can tell the whole truth about his destiny.
Timur Khomichev date of birth numbers numbers People and Events 16 August 2024The last digit of a person's year of birth can tell a lot about his character and abilities, numerologists say.
Timur Khomichev numbers numbers date of birth smart people People and Events 8 August 2024According to Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, negative energy is brought into the home by the numbers 1, 3, 6, 8 and 9 and their combinations.
Timur Khomichev numbers People and Events 16 February 2024We tell you how to calculate the numerological code of a house or apartment.
Timur Khomichev house apartment numbers People and Events 8 February 2024Numerologist Kristina Egiazarova predicted when the Russian special operation in Ukraine will end.
Timur Khomichev Ukraine Russia conflict in Ukraine forecast Ukraine News News of Russia People and Events 10 December 2023The popular belief is firmly entrenched in people's minds: to avoid bad luck, students do not draw ticket number 13, in hotels the room with this number is turned into a storage room, and on Friday the 13th everyone tries to act as carefully as possible.
Andrey Ivanov psychology birthday People and Events 17 July 2023We'll tell you which numbers in your apartment number bring good luck, according to numerology.
Timur Khomichev numbers apartment house People and Events 6 July 2023How to determine your house number and how to understand the meaning of numbers - the secrets of numerology.
Igor Zur house signs a mystic board People and Events 1 July 2023The conflict in Ukraine will not end quickly, warned numerologist Kristina Parfenova.
Timur Khomichev Ukraine prediction prophecy forecast Ukraine News People and Events 29 June 2023In many cultures, the number three is associated with happiness and financial success.
Sergey Tumanov tools numbers signs happiness Useful tips 27 June 2023This month there will be many days of increased accident rates, warned astrologer Tamara Globa.
Timur Khomichev Tamara Globa astrology danger forecast People and Events 1 May 2023We tell you how to calculate the numerological code of an apartment.
Timur Khomichev apartment house numbers People and Events 26 April 2023Parfenova warned that the summer and autumn of 2023 will be difficult for Russia.
Timur Khomichev Ukraine Russia operation forecast Ukraine News News of Russia People and Events 18 April 2023“Personal year” is calculated according to a specific formula during personal consultations with a digital psychologist.
Sergey Tumanov business board psychology People and Events 10 April 2023We tell you which numbers in a phone number attract good luck and financial well-being.
Timur Khomichev numbers telephone wealth money People and Events 28 March 2023On these dates one must be extremely careful, the astrologer warned.
Timur Khomichev Vasilisa Volodina astrology forecast People and Events 27 March 2023