Unlucky Number: Does '13' Bring Bad Luck? A Digital Psychologist Answers

17.07.2023 14:50

The popular belief is firmly entrenched in people's minds: to avoid bad luck, students do not draw ticket number 13, in hotels the room with this number is turned into a storage room, and on Friday the 13th everyone tries to act as carefully as possible.

For some, this is just fiction, but for others, the number 13 is really associated with an unpredictable set of circumstances, fatal accidents, and even fantasy. But what do experts, for example, digital psychologists, say about this? Let's talk about this topic today with Alex Roitblat , an international digital psychologist.

Number of changes

According to the ancient teaching of Xiucai, the number 13 has a direct relationship with the number 4 (1+3=4), which in turn has a revolutionary meaning. This number entails drastic transformations - both good and bad.

The number 4 is associated with the Rahu node, the place where the Moon's orbit meets the Earth's ecliptic. Rahu represents mystery, magic, exceptional and almost unbelievable events. The number four is also capable of changing karma, the ordinary way of life and the habitual behavior of people.

For example, a not very outstanding specialist suddenly receives a job offer from a foreign company with a good salary on the 13th, although he did nothing for it. And a simple buyer parks his car at a shopping center, runs off for a minute to try on a sweater, comes back - someone managed to dent the car, and all the money he saved will now go to repairing the car.

Photo: Pixabay

Good Luck or Bad Luck

How positive an unexpected event can be depends on the inner state of a person. If you live according to your conscience, do good, strive for the best impulses of your soul, then surprising events will be joyful.

If you accumulate anger inside, refuse to help others, be selfish, then a person will constantly encounter the number 4 in various formats in order to finally work through a lesson: with a difficult situation or a person whose birthday falls on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st.

Your mindset also matters: if you expect only good things from life, they will happen, but anxiety, indecision and fear of the future will increase the chance of an unfavorable outcome.

Special birthday

Digital psychologists are sure that the date of birth influences many things in a person’s life, including what opportunities will open up and be used. They distinguish two mechanisms: the number of consciousness (date of birth) and the number of mission (the sum of the digits in the date of birth).

Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st have the consciousness number 4. This means that 97% of the energy of such people is concentrated in the area under the neck, and only 3% in the head. Thus, "fours" are physically strong people. At the same time, they are not recommended to use tobacco or alcohol, since they cannot stop right away. They love everything material and are frustrated if they do not get what they want.

As for the inner world, people with this number of consciousness are real achievers and revolutionaries. They are powerful and fast, like a boulder rolling from the top - they cannot be stopped. They always have a clear plan for the day, and God forbid they do not have time to do something. The ego of "fours" can be called the determining factor that filters out honest and purposeful people from lazy deceivers.

Generally speaking, these are warm-hearted, kind people, ready to give the shirt off their backs. However, they are rarely satisfied, they always strive for the unattainable, criticize everything and everyone. Whatever the "four" is interested in, it is determined to take revolutionary action in one matter or another. Despite its dual nature, it feels good as a mentor, a risky leader. One of the most significant personalities in culture with the number of consciousness 4 is Vladimir Lenin.

To sum it up, I would like to note that 13 can be considered the number of opportunities. Giving in to fear and prejudice, you can miss fateful meetings, proposals, decisions. By clearing your thoughts and opening yourself to the world, you can find in the number 13 a unique chance for success in any endeavor.

Andrey Ivanov Author: Andrey Ivanov Internet resource editor

  1. Number of changes
  2. Good Luck or Bad Luck
  3. Special birthday